Blackboard Learn Resources for 2018-19

BlackboardBlackboard Learn (Bb Learn) is now set up and ready for the 2018-19 school year. Teachers interested in using Blackboard this school year will need to activate classes using the Blackboard Class Request Form (PDF version or MS Word version). The form contains important information about how to request classes and when to select a master class. You also can view a sample form to assist you as you complete the form for your classes. Continue reading

Technology Standards for Instructional Personnel (TSIP)

Educational TechnologyThe Governor recently signed a new law that eliminates the requirement for teachers seeking initial licensure or renewal of a license to demonstrate proficiency in the use of educational technology for instruction. Therefore, the Virginia Department of Education has recently clarified the TSIP requirements for all licensed personnel in Virginia. The actual Technology Standards certainly still exist; however, they are not required for licensure. You are welcome to explore the Virginia Society for Technology in Education’s Standards as well. Continue reading