Join the Concert Band for Albemarle County School & Government Employees

Albemarle County Concert Band

Calling all musicians! The Albemarle County Concert Band is open to people of all ability levels and performance experiences who are interested in playing in a concert band and making music together. We rehearse in the band room at Burley Middle School on Tuesday evenings from 6:30 to 8 p.m. If you are interested in joining or would like more information, please contact Jean Flaherty at

Digital Security: New Email Spam Filter Settings

Spam Sign

As part of a normal replacement cycle, the Department of Technology recently installed a new email filter appliance as a security measure for all of our digital communications and our network. This appliance filters out SPAM from all of our email accounts.

Beginning August 1, 2019, the subject line of emails will contain [EXTERNAL] for any email that comes to your inbox from outside of our ACPS network. You also will see [POSSIBLE SPAM] in the subject line of emails let through our email filter that may be spam. Continue reading