Summer Compressed Work Week: ACPS Procedure Brief

Summer 4-Day Work WeekPolicy Reference GCA, Personnel Definitions

School and central office staff may institute a compressed work week for the dates ranging from June 20 through July 22, 2016. A compressed work week gives us the benefit of an extra day off by allowing employees to work the usual number of hours in fewer days per week. Our work week is defined as a 40-hour work week. We propose that, during the work weeks in the range here defined, employees working during the summer may work four 10-hour days each week and have a three-day weekend.

The caveat for this proposal is that all services we provide to our customers and employees will be uninterrupted and of the high quality we expect. All operations will go on as expected. Employees will have flexibility to the extent that supervisors ensure coverage and completion of expected duties and projects; for example, not everyone can take off on Friday or Monday.


The compressed work week has been recommended as a way to …

  • Increase employee satisfaction
  • Increase employee retention
  • Decrease tardiness and absenteeism
  • Extend work hours
  • Increase productivity and efficiency

These points are based on findings in “The Manager’s Guide to Compressed Workweeks and Flextime,” published in 1998 by Washington State University Cooperative Extension Energy Program in collaboration with Commuter Challenge.


Each department or school interested in using the compressed work week schedule from June 20 through July 22, 2016, will create a brief plan with a calendar for the 5-week period in accordance with the above guidelines. This plan and calendar will stipulate staff attendance and coverage of essential duties for each week. The plan is for internal use to the department unless central guidance is needed.

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