Stage 4 Accommodation and LOA Requests: Additional Info


With the presentation to the School Board last night regarding plans for Stage 4, staff who are requesting Stage 4 Accommodation and Leave Requests should proceed with submitting these requests as previously communicated.

ADA Requests

ADA accommodation requests for Stage 4 should be submitted by December 17 to so that we may begin processing them as we assess division needs. Please make sure to include your assignment area/grade level on your request form or include in your email address.

Non-ADA Requests

Other accommodation requests should be emailed to AND your supervisor by December 17 as well. 

Staff Who Made a Stage 3 Accommodation Request

If you previously submitted an ADA or other accommodation request for Stage 3, please complete this brief survey by December 17 for Human Resources to confirm or cancel your request for Stage 4. Employees already receiving accommodations should also notify their supervisors of their needs for Stage 4. These staff do not need to submit new forms unless an ADA situation has changed or a non-ADA request has changed to ADA.

Leave of Absence (LOA) Requests

LOA PROCESS CHANGE: With the onset of Stage 4, both licensed and classified staff may request LOAs for the remainder of the 2020-21 school year. The due date to submit your request in writing to your supervisor, stating the reason and the time period for the absence for Stage 4, is within three (3) business days of your supervisor’s notification of your work environment for Stage 4. Leave may begin with the conclusion of Stage 3, unless a staff member requests an earlier date. In the event that the division reverts to a previous stage of operation, staff may only return from an LOA to active status if the school/department has the need.


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