Email Spoofing

spoofing attack with lock and key graphic

The Department of Technology is aware that some employees have received emails that impersonate another employee asking for assistance or personal information. This is called email spoofing.

Email spoofing is a malicious attack to trick users into thinking that a message came from a trusted individual. The sender pretends to be someone you know and tries to trick you into clicking links or sending personal identifiable information. These attackers like to pretend to be someone reputable in an organization, like Dr. Haas.

Make sure you use a cautious lens and inspect the header of the email to see what email address it came from. Another item to look for is if the email has the [EXTERNAL] tag. For example, Dr. Haas will not send an employee an external email.

Please reach out to the ACPS Service Desk if you have questions or concerns at 434-975-9444.


ACPS Department of Technology