Coming January 2022: Pay Frequency Will Increase for All Employees

payday marked on calendar

Albemarle County is committed to enhancing the well-being and quality of life for all residents. We take pride in offering our employees access to a pay and benefits program that is comprehensive, competitive, FLSA-compliant, and convenient. To that end, we are making changes to align our pay cycles. Starting in January 2022, we will pay all Albemarle County and Albemarle County Public Schools employees on a biweekly basis, every other Friday. The first biweekly paycheck will be distributed on January 21, 2022.

This shift will not impact how much employees are paid, only when and how often. We hope the new pay schedule improves convenience. One example of that will be realized in the amount of time it takes to process overtime pay. Instead of waiting nearly six weeks to see overtime wages reflected in their paycheck, employees should receive those funds sooner with a biweekly pay schedule.

We are committed to ongoing communication about this shift in pay frequency. Over the coming months, we will provide more information and helpful resources, such as information sessions, training, and recorded webinars, to assist employees with this transition. For more information about this change, including a project timeline, terms and definitions, and frequently asked questions, please visit the Payroll Clarity Project web page. Please direct any questions to