Stay Safe by Registering to Receive Severe Weather Alerts

CodeREDThe Charlottesville-UVA-Albemarle County Office of Emergency Management has selected CodeRED Weather Warning, an automatic severe weather notification service, to alert citizens in the path of severe thunderstorms, flash floods, and tornadoes. You are invited to register for community emergency alerts. There is no charge for this service and you may select which notifications you would like to receive.

Get started by visiting Click on the CodeRED logo at the lower-left of the page and enter your contact information. Continue reading

Happy Thanksgiving

Superintendent Pam MoranDear Colleagues:

This past weekend, drama students at Western Albemarle High School gave a very moving performance of The Diary of Anne Frank. In preparing for their roles and in a media interview prior to their performances, students talked about the parallels between the time in which the play’s events unfolded and what our world now is experiencing.

Our students spoke intelligently and thoughtfully about the need for courage, connectivity and hope among people in times of uncertainty and unspeakable horror. Continue reading

Community Outreach Survey – Please Respond by Dec. 4

Tell Us What You ThinkIn an endeavor to minimize the number of surveys our stakeholders complete, we have assembled three important surveys into one Community Outreach Survey. This is an opportunity for you to:

– Provide feedback about the quality of our schools;
– Inform calendar design; and
– Have input into the budgetary process.

Please participate by 12 Noon on Friday, December 4. Take the survey »

Digital Learning Resources: Walking Inside Your Photographs

VFH LogoNew digital learning resources from the Virginia Foundation for the Humanities offer access to history resources for kids and teachers to consume and even create. Tour the ruins at Pompeii, “walk” through Thomas Jefferson’s Poplar Forest, upload a 360-degree photo and place audio clips into the virtual space, and more! Check out these new tools »

2015 Congressional App Challenge – Open Through Jan. 15

Congressional App ChallengeThe Congressional App Challenge, a congressional initiative to improve student engagement in coding and computer science, launched November 9, 2015, and will run through January 15, 2016. Over the next several weeks, high school students in participating districts can create and submit their original apps for the chance to be recognized by their Member of Congress. Get the details »

Making Reflections: Let Us Know Your Thoughts About Making Connections 2015

Making Connections 2015Can you believe it’s been over two weeks since Making Connections 2015? Now it’s time for Making Reflections. The Making Connections and Professional Development Planning teams would like to hear from you! Please take a few minutes to provide us with constructive feedback by Tuesday, November 24. Provide feedback »

Continue reading

CATEC Annual Thanksgiving Fundraiser – Place Your Order by Nov. 19 at Noon!

Thanksgiving DinnerApple walnut sausage stuffing, roasted turkey breast with gravy, pumpkin pie, oh my! Let CATEC Culinary Arts make your Thanksgiving catering needs a success and save you time and worry. The first and second year Culinary Arts students at CATEC want to take the stress out of Thanksgiving by making your favorite dish. Check out the menu and ordering instructions »

Don’t browse the menu too long—orders must be placed by 12 Noon this Thursday, November 19.

Assistant Superintendent Matt Haas Responds to Questions About the Paris Terrorist Attacks

Matthew Haas, Ed.D.Dear Colleagues,

We’ve had a couple of questions about how or whether schools should acknowledge the terrorist attacks in Paris this weekend. Of course, we are all saddened by this horrible incident, the lives that were lost, and the negative impact it will have on our world, especially our children. Continue reading