Rivanna Solid Waste Authority will host its Spring 2019 Bulky Waste Amnesty Days on the first three Saturdays in May. This biannual service is free and open to all residents of Albemarle County, Charlottesville City, and the Town of Scottsville. Special collections will be held at the Ivy Material Utilization Center on the following Saturdays from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.: Continue reading
Monthly Archives: April 2019
2019-20 Technology Purchasing Decisions
At the end of the 2017-18 school year, LEAD made a decision to issue similar computers to teachers and students. This decision was made so teachers could better anticipate the experiences their students would have when working on similar computers. A combination of factors, including rising costs, hardware changes, and teacher feedback prompted LEAD to review the technology provided to teachers and students as a part of the ACPS Digital Learning Initiative. Continue reading
JMU Ed. Leadership Program – Interest Meeting on May 15

May 15, 2019 | 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. | Stone-Robinson Elementary School
James Madison University (JMU) will host an interest meeting for its Educational Leadership programs, including its M.Ed. and certificate options, on Wednesday, May 15, from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. in the Stone-Robinson Elementary School library. JMU is hoping to start a new cohort program in late August (or possibly January) in the Charlottesville area. View the program brochure »
CAYIP Seeking Applicants for Youth Internship Program – Deadline to Apply: 5 p.m. on April 30
The Community Attention Youth Internship Program (CAYIP) is seeking applications from local youth ages 14-21 to participate in a paid internship experience for six weeks this summer. Participants learn practical workplace readiness skills through hands-on learning in a variety of career paths, including government services, culinary arts, child care, elderly care, landscaping, cosmetology, and customer service. They also identify their strengths and connect to other positive adult mentors in the community. Youth are expected to work 20 hours per week for the six-week program.
Applications for Summer Session 2019 are due by 5 p.m. on April 30, 2019. Learn more »
Opportunity for Teachers, TAs, OAs & Athletic Coaches
Attention Teachers, TAs, OAs, and Athletic Coaches: Would you like to help our student athletes while earning extra income? Transportation Services is in need of Substitute School Bus Drivers for athletic trips during the week and weekends. We also have driving work available over the summer. Apply now »
Benefits: Continue reading
Albemarle County Writing Collaborative – Apply by April 23
Last year, a small team of passionate educators got together to talk about writing, writing development, and writing professional learning in ACPS, and after months of conversations, the Albemarle County Writing Collaborative (ACWC) was born! We had a successful first year. Members of the Cohort #1 community are now planning the Year 2 experience for you!
Cohort #2 will be made up of 15 educators teaching in middle and high school classrooms across our division. The design team is encouraging both English and content area teachers to apply by Tuesday, April 23, 2019. Open the 2019-2020 application »
Military/Veteran Events & Resources
In conjunction with the Defense Affairs Committee, a component of the Charlottesville Regional Chamber of Commerce, Assistant County Executive Trevor Henry hopes to (1) raise the awareness of upcoming events and resources related to military/veteran activities in our community, and (2) strengthen the military/veteran support network internal to Albemarle County staff. Stay tuned for future communications!
Several events in May and June are listed below, as well as local resources for military members, veterans, and public safety workers. Continue reading
Policy Updates: January – February 2019
Albemarle County Public Schools maintains over 600 policies. Our policies are locally developed through our work with the Virginia School Boards Association and they are tied to Virginia Code. Several are locally developed. Our policies translate our core values of excellence, young people, community, and respect into the backbone of our daily operations and aspirations for students.
You can stay up-to-date on policy revisions, additions and deletions through the ACPS website! View the policy updates for January and February 2019, including 10 revisited policies and one new policy.
Important Message for All Anthem Medical Plan Participants
Attention Anthem Medical Plan Participants: New Anthem BlueCross BlueShield identification cards have been mailed to all Albemarle Select and Albemarle Choice medical plan enrollees. Anthem recommends that you destroy your old cards and begin using these new cards immediately. Please note: Your old cards will no longer work at your pharmacy after July 1.
The new cards reflect a change to the administration of our Anthem pharmacy benefits: Effective July 1, IngenioRx will assume the role currently held by Express Scripts. This change will impact retail, mail-order, and specialty pharmacy services. Learn more about this change »