In observance of Spring Break, the Compass is “on vacation.” Regular posts will resume the week of April 10. The Communications team wishes everyone a relaxing and rejuvenating Spring Break!
Now that we’ve rolled out our new ACPS 403b plan with Lincoln Financial, we’re excited to tell you about another new retirement savings option available to all ACPS employees: the Commonwealth of Virginia 457 Deferred Compensation Plan! Not to be confused with the Nationwide 457b plan, this plan features a curated group of investment options selected with both performance and fees/expenses in mind, along with a Roth (after-tax) option. It also has a low annual administrative fee that covers both the “COV 457” and Hybrid Plan voluntary member contribution accounts. Check out what the COV 457 plan has to offer!
ACPS recently advertised the start of a new reading specialist cohort program through Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU). If you missed the communication, please see our March 7 Compass post. We invite anyone who is interested in taking advantage of this opportunity to join us for a virtual information session on Thursday, April 20, from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. If you’d like to attend the session, or if have any questions regarding the program, please email Megan Wood, who will provide a link to the meeting.
March is the first month in 2023 in which our payroll process includes three biweekly checks. As such, the March 31 paycheck will have no optional deductions withheld. As the third check of the month, the March 31 paycheck will include only the following required employee deductions: Continue reading
Our Nationwide Retirement Specialist, Lynn Robinette, is available for individual virtual consultations on an ongoing basis, but each month, she reserves a week of appointment openings for Albemarle County employees. Appointments are available this April 3-7!
The Nationwide 457b Deferred Compensation Plan is available to ACPS employees who wish to save additional money toward retirement through pre-tax payroll deductions. Continue reading
Attention Teaching Assistants: Are you ready for the next step in your career? Do you have an associate degree? James Madison University’s School of Professional & Continuing Education is ready to work with you to complete your bachelor’s degree online!
With a transferable associate degree, while working as a TA, you can complete about 60 credits with JMU in 2-3 years. Upon completion, you will have earned your bachelor’s degree and you’ll be prepared for Virginia Teacher Licensure! This program offers four tracks: Continue reading
Interested in supporting students who are experiencing mental health challenges? Consider signing up for Albemarle County Public Schools’ Mental Health First Aid training, open to all staff. Only 13 seats currently remain in our next course — the last of this school year — on Tuesday, April 18. You can register online through the Professional Learning Management System (PLMS). To learn more about this training, please see our September 27 Compass post.
ACPS is recruiting educators for our 2023 summer school program, which will operate July 3-27, Monday-Thursday. We need pre-K through grade 8 classroom teachers, teaching assistants, ESOL teachers, and site administrators (admin interns). We are also looking for teachers for our English Learner High School program.
Please complete our Summer School Application to be considered for a position. Continue reading
Interested in applying for a Shannon Grant? Don’t miss your opportunity to apply for up to $5,000 to fund your creative project idea! The Shannon Foundation is offering Albemarle County and Charlottesville City educators and schools two levels of financial support for the 2023-24 school year: Level 1 grants up to $750 will be awarded to classroom teachers, individually or in teams, for projects that support original and innovative student activities. Level 2 grants up to $5,000 may be awarded to schools for creative projects that enhance student learning across age and grade levels. Continue reading
Albemarle County Public Schools is now accepting applications for a full-time Executive Assistant in the Office of the Superintendent. For more information about the position and to apply, please view the job posting.