Get Connected to the 2016-17 Budget Process on Wednesday, February 3

Let's Connect!Attention all ACPS employees: You’re invited! On Wednesday, February 3, Superintendent
Pam Moran will host multiple online budget sessions, each including a brief budget overview presentation and an opportunity for questions and answers. Co-hosting this special event with Dr. Moran will be Deputy Superintendent, Dr. Matt Haas, and Director of Human Resources,
Ms. Lorna Gerome.

Each budget session is scheduled for 30 minutes, and there are seven opportunities to join: Continue reading

March 1 Is Now a Green Work Day

Green Work DayAt the request of the Albemarle County Electoral Board, our School Board voted last evening to close all schools on Tuesday, March 1, 2016, in response to the large number of voters who are expected to participate in the dual presidential primary election that day. March 1 now will be a Green Work Day for teachers and other eligible employees. Read our news release »

On Tuesday, March 1, eligible staff will commute via internet and telephone. Buildings will be in “weekend mode,” with reduced use of heating and air conditioning, fuel, and electricity. Students will not attend school.
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