Summer Compressed Work Week: ACPS Procedure Brief

Summer 4-Day Work WeekPolicy Reference GCA, Personnel Definitions

School and central office staff may institute a compressed work week for the dates ranging from June 20 through July 22, 2016. A compressed work week gives us the benefit of an extra day off by allowing employees to work the usual number of hours in fewer days per week. Our work week is defined as a 40-hour work week. We propose that, during the work weeks in the range here defined, employees working during the summer may work four 10-hour days each week and have a three-day weekend. Continue reading

To Help Kids Thrive, Coach Their Parents

Parents Playing with KidsIn 1986, in a few of the poorest neighborhoods in Kingston, Jamaica, a team of researchers from the University of the West Indies embarked on an experiment that has done a great deal, over time, to change our thinking about how to help children succeed, especially those living in poverty. Its message: Help children by supporting and coaching their parents. Keep reading in The New York Times »

The Jamaica experiment helps make the case that if we want to improve children’s opportunities for success, one of the most powerful potential levers for change is not the children themselves, but rather the attitudes, beliefs and behaviors of the adults who surround them.

Trigonometry Miniature Golf

Trigonometry Miniature GolfCutting wood with a band saw is just plain fun. I have not found a trigonometry student yet who disagrees. This is one of the reasons that I have built the Trigonometry Miniature Golf project into my Trigonometry curriculum. Read more in Mathematics Teacher (MT), an official journal of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics »

Author Tim Hickey is a Nationally Board Certified Teacher and the math department chair at Monticello High School.

Toshiba America Foundation Wants to Help Teachers Make Math & Science More Engaging

Toshiba LogoToshiba wants to provide K-12 teachers with additional funds to increase student engagement in math or science instruction:

Applications for grades 6-12 for grants less than $5,000 are accepted anytime. For requests of more than $5,000, deadlines are February 1 and August 1. Learn how to apply »

K-5 teachers are invited to apply for a $1,000 grant to help bring an innovative hands-on project into their classroom. Applications are due on October 1 each year. Learn how to apply »

Brooklyn Elementary School Creates Test Alternative to Assess Students

DNAinfo LogoThe Brooklyn New School, a progressive lottery-based elementary school in Carroll Gardens, has taken a stance against the state’s standardized math and English tests: Roughly 95 percent of its families opted out this year.

While the school — which is one of the city’s most sought after — has made clear that it opposes standardized tests, it’s now working on clarifying what it supports when it comes to measuring student progress, principal Anna Allanbrook said. Keep reading in DNAinfo »

End-of-Year Message

Superintendent Pam MoranDear Colleagues,

As another remarkable year of accomplishment by our students concluded this week, I wanted each of you to know how deeply grateful I am for your service to our school division. I often have written to you about how visiting schools is one of the joys of being superintendent because of the opportunities these visits give me to talk with and be impressed by our students. There’s another opportunity I value—the chance to see so many of you interacting with our students and going well beyond your job description to make each student successful. Continue reading

Connecting Mathematics to Other Subject Areas Grants (Grades 9-12) – Due Nov. 4

NCTMThe National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) is accepting applications to its Connecting Mathematics to Other Subject Areas Grants for Grades 9-12 Teachers program, which supports senior high classroom materials or lessons that connect mathematics to other fields. For 2017-18, individual grants up to $4,000 will be awarded to current high school math teachers. Materials may be in the form of books, visual displays, computer programs or displays, slide shows, videotapes, or other appropriate medium. The focus of these materials should be on showing the connectivity of mathematics to other fields or to the world around us. The application packet must be postmarked by November 4, 2016. Get the details »

Check out the complete list of NCTM funding opportunities »

benefitsFOCUS: Summer break is here! Beaches, Barbeques, and BE ready for Open Enrollment in August!

benefitsFOCUSWhat’s the BIG news?

We recently went out to bid for our medical, dental, and pharmacy vendors and will wrap up that process in the next few weeks. Because we want to have all of the details worked out before we begin communications leading up to our August Open Enrollment period, we’re giving you a quick heads-up now that Open Enrollment will be held August 1st through August 19th.

What’s Open Enrollment??? Continue reading

2016: Congratulations Graduates

ACPS Supt's BlogGraduation Days: It’s always inspiring to watch our young people graduate and we have graduated over 1000 graduates in recent days. I ended the past week with the last of 5 graduation ceremonies. Most people know little about our shared regional services provider for special needs learners but a week ago I began graduations with a ceremony honoring 2 graduates at the Ivy Creek School. Read more of the Superintendent’s June 7 blog post »

Summer Work Opportunities

ACPS Summer Work OpportunitiesThe Department of Instruction currently is lining up summer work opportunities in support of various curricular projects that are ongoing or will be started. If you’re interested, please visit the Summer Work 2016 form and let us know! You can find more detailed information, including dates and pay for each opportunity, by clicking on the “Summer Work Chart” link within the form.