Important End-of-Year Paycheck Info for 10- and 11-Month Employees

calendar with payday

As we close out the 2023-24 school year, the Department of Human Resources extends our sincerest thanks for all you have done for our students this school year. Every single ACPS employee impacts student growth and learning and supports Albemarle County families. Your hard work has made a difference this year!

Attention 10- and 11-Month Employees: Given the multiple pay schedules that apply to our employees, we want to provide information that may be helpful for you as we head into summer. Continue reading

Interested in Obtaining a School Counseling License?

student meeting with counselor

Albemarle County Public Schools is exploring the possibility of creating a Fall 2025 Cohort to support current employees in obtaining a School Counseling License. If you are interested in learning more about this opportunity, please complete this Google Form by Monday, June 10. If you have any questions, please email Miles Nelson, Coordinator of Mental Health & Wellness.