As you may be aware, on July 1, 2022, Albemarle County Public Schools established a Human Resources Department focused exclusively on serving ACPS employees. Previously, Human Resources provided HR services to the school division and Albemarle County Government. This redesign has permitted our HR team to focus on needs specific to school employees and innovate in areas of policy and hiring. Continue reading
Author Archives: Division Compass
2023-24 Leave Program Updates
Human Resources would like to communicate two changes to the school division’s leave program effective for the upcoming school year. Please keep reading to learn about upcoming changes to personal leave for 10- and 11-month employees and the end of our COVID Leave Bank program. Continue reading
Seesaw Update
ACPS purchased Seesaw for all elementary schools, grades K-5, for the 2023-24 school year. Seesaw is a digital app-based technology tool for teachers, students and families to collaborate and share student work. Please see the following updates regarding Seesaw setup for this school year: Continue reading
The ESOL Office Is Now the “EL Office”
To place more focus on our students (English Learners, per current U.S. Department of Education terminology) in the 2023-24 school year, rather than the subject we teach (English for Speakers of Other Languages), the ESOL Office is becoming the EL Office. We encourage everyone to make the switch when referring to our students as English Learners, or ELs—or even better, as emergent multilinguals to demonstrate an asset-based mindset! We will be referring to our teachers as EL teachers moving forward, and we have updated our email listservs to reflect this change, as follows: Continue reading
Print Management: What to Expect
Our new centralized print management solution, PaperCut, is designed to streamline and enhance the printing experience for all staff and students. Here is what you can expect from this upgrade:
Calling All Musicians!
You’re invited to join the Albemarle County Concert Band! The band is open to employees of all ability levels and performance experiences who are interested in playing in a concert band and making music together. If you played in band during middle school, high school, or college, please consider joining us. If you need an instrument to use, let us know and we’ll try to help you locate one. If you’ve never played an instrument before, but always wanted to learn, let us know and we’ll do our best to point you in the right direction.
We rehearse on Tuesday evenings during the school year from 6:30 to 8 at Burley Middle School, located at 901 Rose Hill Drive in Charlottesville. If you are interested in joining or would like more information, please contact Jean Flaherty at or
“Welcome Back” from the Department of Technology
The Department of Technology welcomes you to the 2023-24 school year! We are excited to partner with you. Please let us know how we can best support you in making this a successful year in your classroom!
We have some important updates and tips to share with you: Continue reading
ClassLink: Your New Single Sign-On Platform
In collaboration with the Department of Instruction, the Technology Department is happy to share that we have implemented ClassLink, a single sign-on platform that will allow you and your students to use one username and password to access approved ACPS instructional applications.
How do I get started?
Convocation Reminders & August PD Days
We are looking forward to a successful start to the 2023-24 school year! In preparation for our upcoming division-wide professional development (PD) days on Tuesday, August 15, and Friday, August 18, please visit our August PD Days web page to access schedules for both days.
Again, we’re excited to see everyone at Ting Pavilion at 9 a.m. on Tuesday, August 15, for our division-wide convocation! Here are a few important reminders: Continue reading
Wanted: Teaching Assistants for Apprenticeship Program – Apply by Aug. 11
Albemarle County Public Schools has received a $200,000 grant from the Virginia Department of Education to support a path to teaching via apprenticeship! Human Resources is now seeking dedicated and passionate teaching assistants with an associate degree to join our two-year apprenticeship program. In this unique opportunity, participants will train alongside a skilled Master Teacher for two years, developing valuable classroom skills. This two-year position leads to full licensure and preparation to serve as a teacher of record. Continue reading