12-Month Pay Schedule for All Employees Goes Into Effect July 1

Albemarle County LogoAt their May 10 meeting, the School Board approved placing all employees on a 12-month pay schedule effective July 1. This unification of pay schedules for all employees will make it easier and more efficient to process compensation and benefits for the entire organization.

Approximately 450 employees, who currently are paid on either a 10- or 11-month schedule, will be impacted by this change. Continue reading

benefitsFOCUS: Medical Plan Update, Wellness News & More

benefitsFOCUSWhat’s the BIG news?

If you’re on our medical plan and paid a premium in April, we are pleased to announce that you will receive a little extra *something* in your May paycheck! Because of the continued strong performance of our health insurance program, we will be refunding one month of medical premiums to all employees who paid premiums in April. This refund will be based on the normal premium paid in April for the coverage selected at that time. Please be sure to login to Greenshades to review your May earnings statement and verify this refund. Continue reading

Important Notice: Change in Employee Health Club Deductions

Albemarle County LogoA message from Susan Worrell, Chief Accountant, County of Albemarle (Apr. 12, 2018)

Over the years, we have been asked by employees and by various health clubs to offer payroll deduction for monthly membership fees. While the County of Albemarle encourages employees to participate in wellness programs, it has been limited in its ability to offer payroll deduction of membership fees to multiple health clubs because it is/was a manual process. By standardizing this process and by utilizing the Greenshades Employee Self-Serve portal, the County will automate this process and will expand the offering of payroll deduction to additional health clubs who meet certain membership requirements. (Please see the Health Club Payroll Deduction FAQs.) Continue reading

benefitsFOCUS March Miscellany: Important retirement reminders and an HSA contribution limit update

benefitsFOCUSThinking About Retiring Soon?

VRS (The Virginia Retirement System) recommends that applicants send in your paperwork at least 60 days ahead of your intended retirement date in order to avoid delays in getting your first retirement benefit payment. If you’re a School Division employee and planning to retire at the end of the school year, please contact John McQuilkin (jmcquilkin@albemarle.org) in Human Resources ASAP (if you haven’t already) for guidance. Continue reading

Important Information Regarding Your Form W-4 for 2018

Tax Scrabble TilesAs we start a new year and you begin to gather your information for the IRS income tax filing season, Payroll would like to share some important information with you regarding your Form W-4 (IRS Employee’s Withholding Allowance Certificate) for 2018. Your Form W-4 tells Payroll the correct amount of tax to withhold from your paycheck. Situations when you might need to change your Form W-4 include marriage, divorce, having a child, or if you discover through filing your federal income tax return that you had too little or too much withheld from your pay. Continue reading

Important Information About 1095-C Tax Forms

1095-C FormWhat is a 1095-C?

It’s a tax form that we are required to issue to certain employees due to Affordable Care Act (ACA) requirements. Think of the 1095-C as a kind of W-2, but for benefits. It details medical insurance coverage for yourself and any dependents who may have been covered under our medical plan, as well as documenting the offer of coverage to certain other employees. Visit your Greenshades account to access your 1095-C form.

Please NOTE the following: Continue reading

benefitsFOCUS: More good news for medical plan participants – upcoming change to premium rates

benefitsFOCUSWhat’s the BIG news?

We are pleased to announce that we will be reducing medical premiums to plan year 2016-2017’s rates. This change will be effective for the month of March through the end of the current plan year (September). You will first see this reduction to your premiums in your February earnings statement. Continue reading

Time & Attendance System: Project Update #1

Time and Attendance ManagementSince the last Time & Attendance System communication on August 30, a cross-divisional team has worked to align our policies and gain employee input for design and development of the system. You may begin noticing the installation of time clocks in some building locations. These clocks will not be operational until employee training begins on the new Time & Attendance System. The testing phase of the system is scheduled to begin this spring, with implementation beginning in July.

Read the full update, which was emailed to all employees on January 24, 2018.