Please Join Us: Middle School Master Plan Community Information Session on April 26

Wednesday, April 26, 2023 | 6 to 7:30 p.m. | Zoom

ACPS is excited to announce that we have partnered with VMDO Architects, a local architectural firm specializing in K-12 education, to conduct a new Middle School Master Plan. This project includes a comprehensive study of our middle schools with the goal of developing a master plan to address, improve and resolve our capacity challenges and our renovation needs. Throughout the project, which is now underway and will continue through the end of the calendar year, there will be multiple opportunities for staff to engage with and inform our work.

Your first opportunity is coming up on Wednesday, April 26, when the Office of Community Engagement will host a virtual Middle School Master Plan Community Information Session. We hope you can join us from 6 to 7:30 p.m.: Continue reading

2023 ACPS Employee Fundraiser Reminder

fundraising heart icon

Attention all ACPS employees! As we begin the fourth quarter of the 2022-23 school year, it is essential that we reflect on the four core values of ACPS: equity, excellence, family and community, and wellness. Affirming and empowering our community is one of the goals we have as a school division, and we are proud to work alongside many of the community organizations that serve our students, families and staff here in Albemarle County. With that in mind, we are bringing back our ACPS Employee Fundraiser this spring! This fundraiser seeks to raise funds from our employees to support a local nonprofit that is important to our ACPS family and aligns with our core values. This year, we hope to include some of our student-run projects as well, like empowerHER and Cville Sock Love.

How It Works

This fundraiser is simple:

  1. By by 1 p.m. on Friday, April 14, employees can use our ACPS Employee Fundraiser 2023 Nomination Form to suggest a local nonprofit organization that aligns with our four core values. Continue reading

Final Chance to Register for a Culturally Responsive Teaching Spring Book Study!

Culturally Responsive Teaching and the Brain, by ZarettaHammond

Do you plan to pursue certification or a micro-credential in Culturally Responsive Teaching next year? The Culturally Responsive Teaching & the Brain book study is a prerequisite for submitting your intent to pursue. This book study (revised in 2022) prepares candidates through professional learning aligned with the division’s Culturally Responsive Teaching Framework and opportunities for reflection and personal growth. Continue reading

Join the #OurHearts Movement!

Join the OurHearts Movement banner

February is American Heart Month! To help promote heart health and spread awareness during the month of February, the offices of Safety & Wellness and Community Engagement have teamed up with Ragged Mountain Running Shop to give away a pair of shoes (up to $150) to a lucky ACPS employee!

To enter, simply post a picture of you or your family doing heart-healthy activities on social media: Use #OurHearts and #EngageACPS in your posts, and tag @TheHeartTruth_NHLBI on Instagram; @TheHeartTruth and @EngageACPS on Twitter; and @HeartTruth on Facebook. If you don’t use social media, you can submit a photo via email to We will select the winner by random draw on March 1, 2023! Continue reading

Celebrate Black History Month With Us!

February is Black History Month

Black History began as a way of remembering important people and events in the history of the African diaspora. Carter G. Woodson, the founder of this historical month, was one of the first scholars to study the history of people of African descent in the United States. President Gerald Ford officially recognized Black History Month in 1976, calling upon the public to “seize the opportunity to honor the too-often neglected accomplishments of Black Americans in every area of endeavor throughout our history.”

As we serve ACPS students throughout the month of February and beyond, let us celebrate Black History and the contributions of countless individuals who have contributed to our shared American history. Continue reading

ACPS Equity & Opportunities Fair: Join Us on Feb. 18!

Community Engagement Logo 2022

ACPS Equity & Opportunities Fair

— Spotlight on Education, Careers & Community Partners —

Saturday, February 18, 2023 • 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. • Burley Middle School
Event Website​​​​ • Registration

The ACPS Office of Community Engagement and Human Resources Department will host an Equity & Opportunities Fair on Saturday, February 18, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Burley Middle School. All ACPS educators and employees are invited to attend the event, including ACPS student teachers, practicum students, substitutes, and support staff. We will also distribute an event flyer and letter with additional information to higher education institutions and community partners. Continue reading