Second Quarter Accommodation Requests


With the School Board’s decision last night to move to Stage 3 for the second quarter, staff who are requesting accommodations should now proceed with submitting these requests as previously communicated.

Impacted staff who may need accommodations include PK-3, ESOL, and Special Education teachers, and the respective teaching assistants who serve these student groups. Employees in other assignment areas serving those groups also should submit an accommodation request if they feel they are unable to work in person for the second quarter. Continue reading

Superintendent Will Recommend a Move to Stage 3

Return to School 2020-21

Dear Colleagues:

At tomorrow evening’s School Board meeting, I will be recommending a move to Stage 3 of our Return to School plan. During their meeting, the Board will vote on whether or not to proceed to approve my recommendation, which provides for a modest increase in the number of students who will be invited to receive face-to-face instruction beginning on Monday, November 9. Continue reading

How We’re Protecting Students & Staff During COVID-19

Eileen Gomez, ACPS COVID-19 Coordinator, and Lindsay Snoddy, Deputy Director of Building Services, present, How We’re Protecting Students & Staff During COVID-19:

The video, which highlights health and safety strategies that ACPS is implementing to help protect our staff and students, addresses: Continue reading

Stage 3 Details: Survey, Informational Video & Draft Slides

Return to School 2020-21

Dear Colleagues,

At their upcoming meeting on October 8, the Albemarle County School Board will decide whether the school division will progress to the next stage of reopening (from Stage 2 to Stage 3). The school division will remain in its current stage (Stage 2) through at least the end of the first quarter. The Board’s decision will impact the second quarter of the school year, which begins on November 9. Continue reading

Accommodation and Leave Requests


As we progress through our Stages of Returning and employees’ needs change, the division understands that staff may need to request leave or other accommodations because they are unable to fulfill the duties and work expectations of their positions. Human Resources has provided information about accommodation requests, leave requests, separation of employment, important dates, and deadlines in the Accommodation and Leave Requests document. Continue reading

A Message About Our School Calendar

School Year Calendar Lion Cover

Dear Colleagues:

Tomorrow morning, we will share the following message with our school families; however, we wanted to share the information first with you.

Dear School Division Families,

We have received many inquiries about the status of the Albemarle County Public Schools annual calendar print publication. We love that our annual calendar brings joy and value to so many of our school families, and we are disappointed to share with you our decision not to publish one for the 2020-21 school year. Continue reading

Policy on Masks and Acceptable Face Coverings

Mask Barrier

On August 27, 2020, in consideration of the recommendations issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Virginia Department of Health (VDH), the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE), and the Thomas Jefferson Health District (TJHD), the Albemarle County School Board adopted an emergency Policy on Masks and Acceptable Face Coverings for all students, staff, visitors and vendors, and children and staff in ACPS child care programs. Continue reading

Don’t Forget to Complete the Required COVID-19 Safety Training by Sept. 8!


In compliance with state code and in partnership with the Virginia Occupational Safety and Health (VOSH) Program, ACPS has developed a two-part COVID-19 Safety Training for employees. As a reminder, every ACPS employee, regardless of position, should complete this training by Tuesday, September 8 (the first day of school).

Step 1 involves watching a 22-minute training video. Step 2 (the final step) asks employees to certify that they have watched the training video by completing a brief form. Continue reading

Required COVID-19 Safety Training – Complete by Sept. 8

Action Required

In compliance with State Code §16VAC25-60-220, Emergency Temporary Standard for COVID-19 Infectious Disease Prevention, Albemarle County Public Schools is requiring ALL STAFF to complete COVID-19 Employee Safety Training. As we continue the Return to School plan, it is important that all employees are aware of how to stay safe at school and work. Employees should complete Steps 1 and 2 by Tuesday, September 8, 2020.

Step 1

Watch the Employee Safety COVID-19 training video (22:08): Continue reading