Juneteenth (June 19) Now a Paid Holiday


Dear Colleagues:

It’s an honor to report that our School Board, in their meeting this afternoon, approved the addition of Juneteenth to our annual holiday schedule.

Juneteenth is a national celebration of a General Order that took effect in 1865 in Texas. This order mandated equality between slaves and slaveowners in the last slave-holding state in the union. Since then, Juneteenth has been celebrated as the end of the government sanction of slavery. Continue reading

New Calendar Options for 2020-21: Survey Open Through June 17

Calendar Update

Dear Colleagues:

As our planning for the coming school year begins to come into better focus, one option we are considering is delaying the start of the new school year until early September.

Our School Board initially approved a 2020-21 calendar in January with Wednesday, August 19, as the first day of school for students. Based largely on feedback from instructional staff that, under current conditions, extra time for planning and preparation would be beneficial, we drafted two additional calendar options for the coming school year. Continue reading

Return to Work, Phase 1

Superintendent Matthew Haas

Dear Colleagues:

As public health conditions improve in Virginia and the governor begins lifting some of the public health restrictions regarding Covid-19, we are planning for your safe return to work.

These past several months have been trying for all of us, both as professionals and personally. I want to commend each of you for how well and how enthusiastically you have met the needs of our students, families, and each other, whether working from home or supporting programs in person, such as the distribution of meals to students and families in need. Continue reading

COVID-19: ACPS Communications & Resources


You can stay in-the-know regarding Albemarle County Public Schools’ COVID-19-related activities by visiting the division’s COVID-19 Management Plan web page.

Available resources include the division’s three-phased COVID-19 plan; printable versions of the plan in English and Spanish; copies of community messages (email and voice); relevant ACPS news releases; links to informative COVID-19 websites and resources; information about the Thomas Jefferson Health District’s COVID-19 Hotline; and, coming soon, answers to frequently asked questions. Continue reading

Reminder: January 21 Is a Flex Day

Working from Home

As a reminder, Monday, January 20, is a holiday, and Tuesday, January 21, is a flex day. Flex days are designated for teachers to work on report cards, plan for instruction, and complete other tasks related to their work. On flex days, teachers may perform their work at school or another location, as their responsibilities permit.

School-based office associates and other school staff scheduled to work also may use January 21 as a flex day, if their responsibilities permit and with the pre-approval of their principal. Continue reading

Annual State of the Division Report

State of the Division 2019

Our annual State of the Division report serves to provide information to the School Board and school community about the school division’s successes and challenges from the previous school year. The State of the Division 2019 report highlights growth worth celebrating, but it also reveals deficiencies. We titled the report, “A Work in Progress,” acknowledging that the core of our work as a public school system is about generating progress, and that, as a community of learners, we are committed to continuous improvement. Visit the State of the Division web page »

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