Tell Us What You Think: Proposed New Competencies for Classified Employees – Respond by May 13

Tell Us What You ThinkYou are invited to review the proposed new classified employee competencies and offer your feedback through a short survey. Please respond by Wednesday, May 13.

The competency review group has been receiving classified employee feedback since March through meetings, focus groups, and a survey. As we sought to organize the many comments and suggestions, we remained focused on our primary goals: to ensure alignment with the mission, vision and values of both divisions, and to create a new, streamlined set of competencies that makes it easier for classified employees to answer the “how do they relate to my actual job?” question. Continue reading

Last Day of School & Office Closures Due to Inclement Weather

Last Day of School 2015The last day of the 2014-15 school year for students will be Tuesday, June 9, 2015. The last work day for teachers will be Wednesday, June 10, 2015. View an update on where we stand with inclement weather make-up days.

As a reminder, General Government classified staff and School Division classified staff are no longer treated the same in the case of closures due to inclement weather. Continue reading

Approval Process for Research Requests From Outside Agencies

Student SurveyAlbemarle County Public Schools receives requests from outside agencies/individuals to conduct research in the schools. If an ACPS employee receives a request from an outside agency, including UVA, the employee must forward that request to a supervisor (principal, for example). These requests must be forwarded to Chris Gilman, Coordinator of Research and Program Evaluation, as a detailed proposal indicating the purpose of the study and how the results may be used. Continue reading

New Guidance from the U.S. Department of Education Regarding Sexual Violence & the Responsibilities of Public Schools

U.S. Department of Education SealOn April 29, 2014, the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR) issued new guidance describing the responsibilities of colleges, universities, and public schools to address sexual violence and other forms of sex discrimination under Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972. Continue reading

2014 School Health Legislative Changes

Boy after vaccinationGreetings ACPS School Board & Staff:

The purpose of this memo is to inform you of several changes in school health laws passed by the 2014 General Assembly and signed by the Governor. Changes in student rights to carry diabetes supplies and self-manage diabetes, immunization changes, and the designation of a private place for employees and students to breastfeed were all addressed in this session. Implementation for each change is July 1, 2014. Read more >>>

Board Approves Revised 2014-15 School Year Calendar

Calendar UpdateAt their regularly scheduled meeting on May 8, 2014, the School Board approved a revised calendar for the 2014-15 school year. The revised calendar designates five days during the school year as inclement weather make-up days, as follows: January 20, February 16, April 3, and June 8 and 9. This decision considered the views of community members who responded to a recent online survey, as well as the many email messages sent to the Board over the last month. View the approved 2014-15 School Year Calendar.

2014-15 Calendar Update: Spring Break Days Preserved

Spring BreakAt their April 24 work session, the Albemarle County School Board decided to eliminate the use of any days during next year’s spring break to compensate for days in which adverse weather conditions require schools to be closed. The current plan is to designate the following as make-up days, in order of priority: January 20, February 16, April 3, and June 8 and 9.

The School Board will formally vote on this plan at their next meeting on Thursday, May 8. Those wishing to offer their comments can email the Board at

Standard Operating Procedure: Academic Leadership Compensation Program

TeacherPurpose: To provide fair and equal opportunity for teachers to assume leadership roles in their school.

Background: The Academic Leadership Compensation Program (ALCP) supports instructional leadership needs and encourages professional growth by providing stipends to teachers who assume extra responsibilities outside the classroom. Continue reading