Albemarle Innovators: Volume 1, Issue 1

Albemarle InnovatorsWe’re highlighting the innovative work of our teachers and staff through a new publication, Albemarle Innovators! In this inaugural issue, we’re celebrating Erin Percival, Science 6 and Creative Design teacher at Sutherland; Andrew Sherogan, Art teacher at Meriwether Lewis; and Albemarle High School’s Team 19. Read Issue 1 »

Do you know someone in your school or department who deserves recognition for their innovative work with students? Continue reading

Feedback Wanted on the TPA Process – Participate by Feb. 26

Tell Us What You ThinkAs part of our continuous improvement plan, the school division is asking teachers and administrators to provide feedback on the teacher performance appraisal (TPA) process through a brief survey. The survey is open now and will stay open until the end of the day on Friday, February 26. We anticipate the survey will take about 10 minutes to complete. Participate in the survey »

If you have questions about the survey or the process, please contact Patrick McLaughlin, Strategic Planning Officer (, or Clare Keiser, Assistant Director of Educator Quality (

2016-17 Calendar: Two Drafts Posted for Feedback – Survey Closes Jan. 27 at Noon

Tell Us What You ThinkSchool division staff presented an initial draft (Draft A) of the 2016-17 School Year Calendar to the School Board on January 14, 2016. This initial draft was the product of two joint City/County Calendar Committee meetings, during which internal and external stakeholder input was considered. Based on feedback from the Board, a second version (Draft B) was created for consideration. Employees, parents and students have been invited to provide feedback on the two drafts, which will be reviewed by the Board at their regularly scheduled meeting on January 28.

You may review the two calendar drafts as well as the process for how we arrived at these choices on the
2016-17 Calendar Development web page. Then, you are invited to participate in a brief survey, which will close on Wednesday, January 27, at NoonTake the survey »

Welcome to 2016 — It’s beginning to feel a lot like winter!

ACPS Supt's BlogWelcome to 2016! I hope everyone experienced a relaxing holiday season with family and friends. We asked our staff and students to take time away from school and homework over the winter break to spend time with their families, read a good book, visit relatives, or simply do those things that families accomplish together — cleaning out a closet or repairing something around the home.

Now it’s time to get back to school and re-engage with our learners as we head toward the end of the first semester.

January also heralds two important processes for our community — inclement weather decisions and budget season engagementRead more of the Superintendent’s January 4 blog post »

Strategic Plan Summary

Horizon 2020Albemarle County Public Schools is committed to all graduates mastering the lifelong-learning skills they need to succeed as 21st century learners, workers and citizens. Our Horizon 2020 Strategic Plan provides us with strategic objectives and priorities that are designed to keep us focused on our commitment to that goal. Our strategic plan has been summarized for our teachers, school administrators, and community members to serve as an easy reference and reminder of what drives our work each day. View the 2015-2017 Strategic Plan Summary »

2016-17 Draft Calendar Now Posted

2016-17 Draft CalendarThe input provided by nearly 2,000 parents, students, employees, and community members on the recent Community Outreach Survey helped the calendar committee draft the 2016-17 School Year Calendar that will go before the School Board for review on January 14, 2016. Public comment will be taken at that time. View the draft calendar »

Connect to the 2016-17 calendar development process »

Fall 2015 Community Outreach Survey Results

Survey ResultsThank you for your feedback! Nearly 2,000 parents, students, employees, and community members shared their thoughts about school climate, the school calendar, and budget priorities in our recent Community Outreach Survey.

Highlights: Greater than 90% of respondents agree or strongly agree that they feel welcome in our schools. Nearly 70% are pleased or very pleased with our current school year calendar. Respondents identified the following as the top three budget priorities for 2016-17: Provide exceptional class sizes; stay competitive with employee compensation; and fully fund student population growth. See the full survey results »

Community Outreach Survey – Please Respond by Dec. 4

Tell Us What You ThinkIn an endeavor to minimize the number of surveys our stakeholders complete, we have assembled three important surveys into one Community Outreach Survey. This is an opportunity for you to:

– Provide feedback about the quality of our schools;
– Inform calendar design; and
– Have input into the budgetary process.

Please participate by 12 Noon on Friday, December 4. Take the survey »

Assistant Superintendent Matt Haas Responds to Questions About the Paris Terrorist Attacks

Matthew Haas, Ed.D.Dear Colleagues,

We’ve had a couple of questions about how or whether schools should acknowledge the terrorist attacks in Paris this weekend. Of course, we are all saddened by this horrible incident, the lives that were lost, and the negative impact it will have on our world, especially our children. Continue reading

TPA & Learning Walks Brief

Matthew Haas, Ed.D.Dear Teachers and Administrators: I want to thank each of you for your role in getting our division off to such a fantastic start this year! As I have had the privilege to see during my school visits, teachers already are providing excellent learning work and opportunities for our students.

That’s a great lead-in to our 2015-16 School Year Teacher Performance Appraisal (TPA) cycle. The Performance Appraisal process is so important because it strengthens and extends our professional learning culture. This in turn ensures that we are meeting the educational needs of all students. While you can read about our TPA philosophy and technical guidance, I’d like to share with you some thoughts about three of our division’s priorities this year: goal setting, learning walks, and an update to the TPA that will take effect next year. Continue reading