2021-22 Calendar Survey Now Open: Please Participate by Jan. 15


Dear Colleagues:

The Joint Albemarle County/Charlottesville City Schools Calendar Committee has launched the calendar development process for the 2021-22 school year. Each year, this committee partners to produce a school calendar that supports our shared goals to engage students, improve opportunities and achievement, and get the most productivity out of our resources. 

As part of this process, we are reaching out to you for feedback on an initial draft of the ACPS 2021-22 School Year Calendar. Continue reading

Community Survey: Portrait Competencies – Please Participate by Dec. 6


Dear Colleagues:

We need your input! Albemarle County Public Schools is currently developing a Portrait of a Graduate, which is meant to be a collective vision that articulates our entire community’s aspirations for all of our students. We want our Portrait to be developed based on a local perspective, but with an eye toward the globalized society in which our students will live and work in the future. Continue reading

Feedback Requested on Demographic Survey Questions

We Want Your Feedback

Equity and inclusion are important values to Albemarle County Public Schools. As such, the school division would like to collect demographic information as a standard part of future community surveys. The intention would be to help the school division determine which voices are represented in survey results and which ones we need to pursue through alternate strategies.

The school division has drafted an initial list of demographic survey questions. We anticipate that survey takers will be able to answer our demographic questions in under two minutes. As part of our review process, we are asking employees to review the draft demographic survey questions, and then provide feedback, including suggestions for improvement, by Tuesday, October 20. Continue reading

Stage 3 Details: Survey, Informational Video & Draft Slides

Return to School 2020-21

Dear Colleagues,

At their upcoming meeting on October 8, the Albemarle County School Board will decide whether the school division will progress to the next stage of reopening (from Stage 2 to Stage 3). The school division will remain in its current stage (Stage 2) through at least the end of the first quarter. The Board’s decision will impact the second quarter of the school year, which begins on November 9. Continue reading

Return to School Update & Employee Survey

Superintendent Matthew Haas

Dear Colleagues:

You are very much on my mind these days.

One truth that our community relearned since the COVID-19 shutdown on March 13 is that you can close buildings and bus routes, even such special events as graduation, but student learning growth and development still goes on. That’s because of what each of you have contributed to our students and families and to our mission. That hasn’t closed down.

I continue to admire your dedication and professionalism and I want you to know how important it is to me that our division take every possible action to protect your health and safety this school year. We will not open buildings without that assurance. Continue reading

New Calendar Options for 2020-21: Survey Open Through June 17

Calendar Update

Dear Colleagues:

As our planning for the coming school year begins to come into better focus, one option we are considering is delaying the start of the new school year until early September.

Our School Board initially approved a 2020-21 calendar in January with Wednesday, August 19, as the first day of school for students. Based largely on feedback from instructional staff that, under current conditions, extra time for planning and preparation would be beneficial, we drafted two additional calendar options for the coming school year. Continue reading

Survey: ACPS Response to the Covid-19 Crisis

We Want Your Feedback

Your opinions are a vital part of the school division’s decision-making process! Please take three minutes to listen to Superintendent Haas describe how you can help ACPS evaluate our response to the Covid-19 crisis.

Then, take our survey to share your recent experiences and offer your advice. Please participate by 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, May 31. Continue reading

ACPS Budget Survey: Please Participate by May 6

Dear Colleagues:

I hope you will take a few minutes to watch my video message about the devastating impact that COVID-19 is having, not only on public health, but on our economy. Projections are that COVID-19’s economic damage will be equal to or greater than that of the Great Recession earlier this century.

The impact on the delivery of public services, including education, will be severe. The school division now is facing substantial reductions in revenue from both the local government and the state.

Continue reading