Blackboard Sunsetting


By now, you likely know that ACPS has partnered with Schoology for our new Learning Management System (LMS). Our contract with Blackboard, which has been our LMS for many years, ends October 1, 2019.

Over the summer, we worked with Schoology to transfer as much content as possible from Blackboard. If you are missing items or still need content moved, please be sure to take care of that by October 1. Continue reading

Classroom Phones & Long Distance Calling

Phone Conversation

To enable communication and family engagement with all families across the division, teachers are able to use their classroom phones to make long distance calls to the parents and guardians of their students.

Long distance calling will require the use of a passcode that will be unique to each school. Principals have received the code for their building. Long distance calls by teachers should continue to be limited to parent/guardian communications.

Technology & Digital Citizenship Field Guide for ACPS Families

Technology & Digital Citizenship Field Guide

The Department of Technology has created a Technology & Digital Citizenship Field Guide for ACPS Families. This guide includes technology, digital citizenship, and laptop care resources for families, and replaces the need for the student laptop agreement form to be signed and collected. The goal is to provide families with information about technology in a more approachable and educational way. Continue reading

Reminder: Change in Practice for Student Passwords


Today, Tuesday, August 20, every student’s ACPS Network Account Password will reset to their student lunch number. New students will receive their ACPS network information at their school.

As we shared with you in a June 3 Compass post, beginning this school year, all students in grades 3-12 must change their passwords a minimum of once per year. Continue reading

Digital Security: New Email Spam Filter Settings

Spam Sign

As part of a normal replacement cycle, the Department of Technology recently installed a new email filter appliance as a security measure for all of our digital communications and our network. This appliance filters out SPAM from all of our email accounts.

Beginning August 1, 2019, the subject line of emails will contain [EXTERNAL] for any email that comes to your inbox from outside of our ACPS network. You also will see [POSSIBLE SPAM] in the subject line of emails let through our email filter that may be spam. Continue reading

CoSN Article on Digital Equity Spotlights ACPS

CoSN Logo

In a July 11 article, Digital Equity Isn’t Just About Equal Access to Technology, CoSN (the Consortium for School Networking) spotlights Albemarle County Public Schools’ commitment to personalizing learning through digital literacy and sustaining a culture of improvement. Author Dr. Beth Holland is the CoSN project director for Digital Equity. Her goal is to feature school divisions who are working to create equitable learning environments that give ALL students access to rich learning experiences. Continue reading

Moving Content From Blackboard to Schoology

Bb to Schoology

Teachers: By now, you are aware that ACPS has partnered with Schoology for our new Learning Management System (LMS). Blackboard (Bb) is our current LMS and has been for many years. We are aware that you may have a lot of content that needs to be moved over to Schoology. LEAD is working with both companies to move these materials over for you, and we will provide more communications and directions in August about this transition. Continue reading

LEAD Wishes You a Great Summer!


Thank you for all you do every day in our school communities. The Department of Learning Engineering, Access, and Design (LEAD) wishes you the very best that summer has to offer.

Remember our 90-day password requirement! We recommend that you change your password before you leave. Did you know we have a Self Password Reset portal that you can set up? This would be a great task for you to complete before you leave for the summer. Continue reading

2019-20 LTI and TSS Assignments


As part of our continuous improvement efforts, the LEAD department will be adjusting some LTI and TSS building assignments for next year. Our department leadership gave careful thought to the assignments, ensuring they were based on the following criteria: number of students to support; number of devices requiring support; geographic proximity, aligning more with feeder patterns/coaching clusters; and LTI time capture data.

Not all assignments are changing; the only ones that are changing are purposeful. View the revisions »

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