This weekend marks the anniversary of the illegal and traumatic events that brought so much pain and damage to our community one year ago. Although it is unclear what may happen, you should know there is no higher priority at all times in our school division than safeguarding the safety and security of every student and every member of our staff.
For the past several months, our division has been closely working with local government, law enforcement, public safety and regional partners on several preparatory measures to ensure that everyone is safe this weekend.
This Friday, all non-essential school staff will have the option of leaving their offices at 1 p.m. and concluding their workday from home. This will enable employees to care not only for themselves, but also for their families in advance of any activities associated with those of a year ago. Several schools, including Albemarle and Western Albemarle high schools, Jouett Middle School, and Brownsville, Hollymead, Meriwether Lewis, Stony Point, and Stone-Robinson elementary schools, have activities scheduled for Friday. These events will continue providing sufficient support staff is available.
Three schools, Baker-Butler, Burley, and Monticello, have been designated for possible community use if necessary. As a result, all Friday and Saturday events at Monticello High School have been canceled.
Charlottesville City has compiled an extensive array of resources that will be helpful to all members of our community. I urge you to visit their website.
Additionally, employees should be aware of another valuable resource made available by our Human Resources Department, our Employee Assistance Program.
Thank you for all you do on behalf of our students and their families. Even more important, thank you for making our learning environment a welcoming, nurturing, respectful and joyful experience for students, teachers, staff, parents, and community members.
Stay safe this weekend,
Dr. Clare Keiser
Assistant Superintendent