New Degree Change Process

Mature Black male college graduate

Human Resources (HR) is excited to announce a new process for updating employee salaries based on educational degree level. This initiative aligns with our commitments to recognize and reward the professional development of our team members and to utilize ADP to streamline processes.

What This Means for You

Effective July 11, 2024, a new process for updating salaries for employees who have obtained a higher educational degree will be completed in the HRIS system, ADP. This change aims to ensure that your dedication to furthering your education is acknowledged and appropriately compensated through an efficient and organized process.

Please note that HR will no longer accept emailed forms or transcripts from employees (or their supervisor or timekeeper) for degree change requests. All requested adjustments must be made using our new process, described below.

How the New Process Works

  1. Eligibility: All full-time and part-time employees are eligible for this salary update upon completion of an accredited educational college or university.
  2. Documentation: To initiate the process, please submit the following documents to your supervisor:
    • A completed Degree Change Request Form
    • Official transcripts from an accredited college or university with the degree conferral date
  3. Supervisor: To approve this process and submit the change, please do the following:
    • Complete the bottom section of the employee’s Degree Change Request Form.
    • Upload the completed Degree Change Request Form and the employee’s transcripts to ADP through the “ACPS Degree Change” wizard.*
  4. Review and Approval: HR will review the submitted documents and verify the credentials.
  5. Salary Adjustment: Once verified, your salary will be adjusted accordingly in the next payroll cycle. You will be able to see the adjustment in your salary once the change has become effective. Note: Any request, including all required documentation, received after April 1 will not go into effect until the start of the next school year.

Key Information

Additional Information

We believe that continuous learning and development are crucial for both personal and professional growth. This process is just one way we aim to support and encourage your educational endeavors.

For any questions or further details about the new process, please contact the HR department at, or 434-296-5827.

*Wizards have been made available only to timekeepers, department heads and principals, and assistant directors and assistant principals who completed training with the HRIS team. If you are a timekeeper, department head or principal, or assistant director or assistant principal who does not have access to wizards yet, please contact to complete the required training.