Elementary Teachers: Please see the following important end-of-year information regarding Seesaw from the Department of Technology:
- All Seesaw classes will archive automatically on June 30. Teachers do not need to take any action to archive their classes.
- Fifth-grade students, and any students leaving the division, may want to keep the items in their Seesaw Portfolio and Seesaw Journal. Here are the step-by-step directions needed to complete this export. Families may complete this export on behalf of their students. We encourage you to send this resource home and share this with your students.
- Teachers leaving the division who have created activities for PLCs and other ACPS educators will need to copy their activities to the Seesaw District Library. Here is a step-by-step resource to assist you.
- Seesaw will not be available for summer school use this year. Seesaw will be available to all elementary teachers and students when we return to school this fall.
If you have questions or would like support with any of these best practices, please reach out to your school’s assigned LTI.