Standard Operating Procedure: Academic Leadership Compensation Program

TeacherPurpose: To provide fair and equal opportunity for teachers to assume leadership roles in their school.

Background: The Academic Leadership Compensation Program (ALCP) supports instructional leadership needs and encourages professional growth by providing stipends to teachers who assume extra responsibilities outside the classroom. There are two varieties of ALCP stipends: Division instructional and site-based. Division instructional roles must be filled at each school and have pre-determined stipend amounts. Site-based roles are established by the school’s principal and vary from school to school.


  1. Each spring, principals should communicate/advertise all ALCP roles at the school for the following school year. This can be done via email, a shared electronic workspace, paper, or another method that the principal chooses, as long as it is communicated to all teachers. Teachers should be directed to the school division’s ALCP website for descriptions of ALCP roles.
  2. Teachers should be instructed how to express their interest in one or more ALCP roles (e.g., via email, a school-created form, etc.).
  3. Principals should consider all teachers who express interest in a role. There should be no assumption that the teacher currently holding an ALCP role will automatically fill that role for the following year. Principals should make every effort to provide ALCP leadership opportunities to as many teachers who express interest as possible.
  4. Once this process is complete, principals should inform staff of their ALCP assignments for the following year.
  5. In the fall, principals should have teachers sign ALCP contracts. Contracts are held at the school and then sent to HR at the completion of the school year.

The ALCP provides a structure to support instructional leadership needs and professional growth across the Division. Classroom teachers who are interested in learning more about ALCP should talk to their principal. For questions concerning administration of the program, contact Human Resources.