In case you didn’t know …
The School Board approved the 2019-20 School Year Calendar during their meeting on December 13, 2018. The approved calendar can be downloaded in both English and Spanish from the division-level Calendars web page.
The Calendar Committee has created a second draft of the 2019-20 School Year Calendar in response to survey feedback.
The purpose of our recent calendar survey was to collect community input on the Calendar Committee’s first draft of the 2019-20 School Year Calendar. In total, 1,018 students, parents, employees, and community members reviewed the initial draft and provided feedback over a two-week period, from November 2-16. Thank you to everyone who participated for engaging in the calendar development process. View the survey results »
It appears the inclement weather season is upon us. Special thanks to the Transportation Services Road Assessment Team, who wakes early and braves potentially hazardous road conditions in order to help the school division make safe choices for our students and staff.
Do you know how the school division makes and communicates scheduling decisions during inclement weather? Check out the Closings & Delays web page for all the details! In the meantime, here’s a quick reference: Continue reading
In case you missed it … Albemarle County Public Schools has launched two surveys for community feedback—one to inform the Superintendent’s 2019-20 funding request, and the other on an initial draft of the 2019-20 school year calendar. Both surveys will remain open through Friday, November 16. Continue reading
This weekend marks the anniversary of the illegal and traumatic events that brought so much pain and damage to our community one year ago. Although it is unclear what may happen, you should know there is no higher priority at all times in our school division than safeguarding the safety and security of every student and every member of our staff.
For the past several months, our division has been closely working with local government, law enforcement, public safety and regional partners on several preparatory measures to ensure that everyone is safe this weekend.
This Friday, all non-essential school staff will have the option of leaving their offices at 1 p.m. and concluding their workday from home. Continue reading
Attention 12-Month Employees: The holiday schedule for 2018-19 has been approved. For more information about leave, including holiday pay and more, please visit the Leave page on Human Resources’ Employee Benefits site.
Looking for a copy of the 2018-19 school schedule? Check out the 2018-19 Calendar-at-a-Glance, available on the school division’s Calendars page.
As a reminder, the last day of school on Thursday, June 7, is a half-day for students. The second half of the day is reserved as a Teacher Workday. EDEP after-school care will not operate on June 7.
Dismissal times for June 7 are as follows: Continue reading
As a reminder, Friday, March 30, is a half-day for students. The second half of the day is reserved as a Teacher Workday. EDEP after-school care will not operate on March 30.
Dismissal times for March 30 are as follows: Continue reading
School will be in session on Monday, February 19, to make up for the closure on January 8.
Important Note: February 19 will serve as the only inclement weather make-up day for the 2017-18 school year. Remaining days missed due to inclement weather will be made up with hours accumulated by the schools in excess of the minimum 990 hours required by the standards of accreditation.
If you’d like to review our inclement weather procedures, including the various ways you can find out about school schedule changes, please visit our Closings & Delays web page.