PLEDGE TO WEAR BLUE on April 13th!

Prevent Child AbusePLEDGE TO WEAR BLUE on April 13th to show your commitment to keep kids safe! April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month; in support, Prevent Child Abuse Virginia invites you to WEAR BLUE on Monday, April 13th, 2015! On this day, individuals and organizations across Virginia will band together to make a visible commitment to preventing child abuse and supporting strong families and healthy children throughout the Commonwealth. Learn how to get involved »

Mathematics SOL & Mathematics SOL Curriculum Framework Review Committee

VDOE LogoVDOE is now accepting applications from qualified individuals who are interested in serving on a committee to review both the Mathematics SOL and Mathematics SOL Curriculum Framework this summer in Richmond. Applicants must be teachers, principals, administrators, content specialists, or others who have expertise with the content areas and the standards. All nominees, including those who have previously served, must complete and submit the Web-based application using ICAPS by April 27. Learn more »