15 Digital Storytelling Tools for Educators

Digital Storytelling“Engaging, multimedia-rich digital stories can capture the attention of students and increase their interest in exploring new ideas. Combining storytelling with powerful digital creates a truly authentic learning experience that helps students develop a wide range of intellectual skills.”

Check out 15 digital storytelling tools on David James’ Social Learning blog.

Communicating With Parents Who Don’t Speak English: A Guide for Teachers and Staff

Interpretation & Translation ServicesView a more current version of this information:
Communicating With English Learner Families: A Guide for Teachers and Staff (March 8, 2018)

Suppose one of your students has been coming to school late and her grades are starting to slip. You call home to discuss with the parent, but it’s clear that the woman who answers the phone doesn’t understand English. You hang up and wonder how you can communicate better with your student’s family.

Did you know that Albemarle County Public Schools has an interpreting and translating system that can help staff bridge the gap with limited English speaking parents? Continue reading