End-of-Year Technology Reminders & Tips

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The Department of Technology hopes you have had an amazing school year! Thank you for all of your hard work ensuring your students were successful this school year.

Before you leave for the summer, here are some important reminders and tips:

Are You Departing ACPS?

  • Your account will stay active and available until your termination date identified by Human Resources.
  • Make sure you have a personal email address listed in ADP so that your access will remain active.
  • Make sure you turn in your assigned technology to your supervisor.
  • Our Google support site can assist you with taking your digital assets with you.
  • For any Google asset(s) that may be needed by your PLC or other faculty, please make sure that resource is moved to a Shared Google Drive. This resource explains how to move items to a shared drive: Welcome to Shared Drive.

Change Your Password!

  • We recommend that you change your password before you leave. For a more secure password, think about a password phrase that makes sense to only you.
  • Do you know that we have a Self Password Portal that you can set up to self-manage your password? This is helpful if you ever forget your password, and it would be a great task for you to complete before you leave for the summer so you won’t need to do it in October when we will require passwords to be changed.

Phishing & Cyber Security Reminders

Please be aware of ongoing threats of email phishing attacks directed at school divisions. Make sure to remain cautious and alert so that you can protect your personal information, confidential student data, and our network integrity. Remember to NEVER give out your passwords in response to an email!

Phishing is a deceptive technique used by cybercriminals to trick individuals into revealing sensitive information, especially passwords. Here are some essential tips to help you avoid falling victim:

  1. Be cautious with email attachments and links.
  2. Scrutinize email sender details (use the ‘hover technique’).
  3. Be wary of urgent or unusual requests.
  4. Keep your devices and software up to date.
  5. Enable two-factor authentication (2FA) to systems, where possible.
  6. Educate yourself about best safety practices.

Stay informed, maintain a skeptical mindset, and practice good cybersecurity habits!

The Department of Technology wishes you a great summer!

Technology Department 2022