ACPS Has Partnered With DonorsChoose!

DonorsChoose Support a Classroom

We’re excited to announce that ACPS has formally partnered with DonorsChoose to fully leverage their community of citizen donors and corporate matches to serve our students. ACPS teachers and staff have already raised more than $300,000 in classroom resources through DonorsChoose over the years. While our district is committed to providing you with the materials needed to teach in the classroom or conduct distance learning, posting a project on DonorsChoose is a great way to bring those additional resources you feel are important for your students to make learning even more joyful and engaging.

“Our teachers are committed to providing authentic, challenging and relevant learning experiences for our students, and DonorsChoose helps to support that vision. This partnership enables teachers to provide supplemental classroom experiences for their students, while also providing an opportunity for the community to support our schools.”

— Dr. Matthew Haas, Superintendent of Schools

How to Use DonorsChoose to Fund a Project

Please view this 15-minute introductory training video, which includes information about how to post a project as well as sample project ideas and tips from an ACPS educator who successfully uses DonorsChoose:

  1. All ACPS teachers and employees may use the DonorsChoose website. (You must sign in or create an account to use the site.)
  2. Prior to posting a project on the DonorsChoose site, you must submit the “Crowdfunding Request Form” found in Policy KJA, Crowdfunding (page 6), to your school principal or department head.
  3. Once your principal or department head approves the crowdfunding request, you may create your project request on the ACPS DonorsChoose site.

DonorsChoose Session at Making Connections

We hope you join us at Making Connections on November 6 for our session on Making the Most of DonorsChoose. During our time together, we will be available to answer any questions you might have, as well as provide technical support and assistance to set up projects.

Additional Resources

You can find instructions for posting projects on DonorsChoose and additional resources on the Albemarle Foundation for Education’s DonorsChoose web page. If you have questions, please direct them to Family Council at