Invitation to Join the ACPS Cell Phone Policy Enforcement Committee

schoolgirl using mobile phone during a class

Dear Colleagues,

I hope this message finds you all well. As part of our ongoing efforts to maintain the highest standards of educational excellence and student well-being, Albemarle County Public Schools (ACPS) is committed to continuously improving our policies and practices. An area of significant focus is the effective enforcement of our Cell Phone Policies in our middle and high schools, which is crucial for maintaining a productive learning environment.

We recognize the importance of collaboration in our community, and so, we are excited to announce the formation of the ACPS Cell Phone Policy Enforcement Committee. This committee will play a pivotal role in evaluating the effectiveness of our current cell phone policies and procedures in our middle and high schools. The committee will also help guide any necessary adjustments, additional resources, and professional development to ensure that our policies and practices serve the best interests of our students and staff.

Why is this important?

Our policies on cell phone use are designed to support a learning environment that is free from unnecessary distractions and disruptions. They aim to enhance our students’ psychological well-being and academic performance by minimizing cell phone-related distractions during instructional times.

We need your voice!

To be truly effective, this committee requires the diverse perspectives of our entire school community. We are seeking enthusiastic representatives, including students, staff and parents/caregivers, from each middle and high school. We anticipate that members will meet monthly beginning this August and will provide valuable insights that reflect the experiences and needs of our community.

Join us!

If you are interested in contributing to this important work, please complete our ACPS Cell Phone Policy Enforcement Committee Interest Form by Friday, May 31.

In selecting members for the committee, we want to ensure that we have diverse representation for each school. If needed to manage the size of the committee, we may use a random selection process.

This is a wonderful opportunity to make a tangible impact on our school environment and the daily experiences of our students. Together, we can ensure that our policies not only promote a safe and orderly environment, but also nurture the educational and personal growth of all students.

Thank you for considering this opportunity to serve and make a difference. We look forward to your participation and to the discussions and insights that this committee will undoubtedly generate. You may direct any questions to

Warm regards,

Superintendent Matthew Haas

Dr. Matthew Haas