Culturally Responsive Teaching PD Sessions – Oct. 16 & 26

DiversityAttention Instructional Coaches, Diversity Resource Teachers, Equity Teams, Teachers, and Administrators! ACPS is pleased to announce two upcoming Culturally Responsive Teaching professional development sessions on October 16 for elementary educators, and October 26 for middle and high school educators. Sessions are limited to the first 30 registrants, so don’t delay—RSVP today! Continue reading

Equity Institute – Nov. 9

Professional DevelopmentNovember 9, 2017 | 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. | JMU Festival Conference Center

Coming up on November 9: Institute on Best Teaching Practices for Equity, Poverty, and Diversity. Topics include promoting and honoring diversity; equity practices to promote high expectations for student learning; responding to students’ emotional and social needs; supporting economically disadvantaged students; effective instruction for English learners; learning from students; and more. Register by October 15 and receive a reduced rate! Open the event flyer »

This learning opportunity is sponsored by Harrisonburg City Public Schools, James Madison University’s College of Education, and a coalition of Virginia city school systems.

Professional Administrative Day – Nov. 6

Save the Date 11.06.2017Monday, November 6 | 8:15 a.m. to 12 noon | AHS Cafeteria

Attention all school office associates (OAs) and bookkeepers: You are required to attend Professional Administrative Day on Monday, November 6, 2017, from 8:15 a.m. to 12 noon in the Albemarle High School Cafeteria. Participation is optional for department OAs and bookkeepers. All 10/11-month employees will be compensated for their time. View invitation »

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Virginia Children’s Engineering Convention: Feb. 8-9, 2018

VCECFebruary 8-9, 2018 | Hotel Roanoke & Conference Center | Registration

The Virginia Department of Education, in collaboration with the Virginia Children’s Engineering Council and the Virginia Technology and Engineering Education Association, is co-sponsoring the 22nd annual Children’s Engineering Convention for K-5 teachers and administrators.

The Children’s Engineering Convention has three major components: Continue reading

Webinar: Teaching to Strengths: Supporting Students Living with Trauma, Violence, and Chronic Stress – Sep. 19

ASCD Learn Teach LeadTuesday, September 19 | 3 p.m. | Register Now

Based on the upcoming ASCD book Teaching to Strengths: Supporting Students Living with Trauma, Violence, and Chronic Stress, this engaging (and free!) webinar will address the urgent call for using a strengths-based approach with students and families living with trauma, violence, and chronic stress. Continue reading

Interested in National Board Certification? Attend an Info Session on September 18!

NBPTS LogoIf you have three years of successful teaching in one or more early childhood, elementary, middle, or secondary schools, consider joining Wendy Eckerle on Monday, September 18, at the ARC for an informational meeting about the National Board Certification process and benefits provided by Albemarle County Public Schools. The meeting will begin at 4:30 p.m. and end no later than 5:45 p.m. More info and additional meeting dates »

Questions? Please contact Wendy Eckerle at

Interpretation/Translation Training – September 20 or 21

TranslateThe ESOL Office is offering its annual Interpretation/Translation Training to all teachers, teaching assistants, office associates, and any other school personnel who interpret in another language as part of their job duties. Past participants have reported that the brief training enhanced their skills in communicating with families. There are three options for this training: Continue reading

ODU School Library Program: Informational Webinar on September 24

ODU Idea FusionAre you interested in working as a school librarian? Would you like to earn a Master’s Degree in Education with School Library Endorsement?

Learn more about Old Dominion University’s School Library Program: Tune in to an informational webinar on Sunday, September 24, at 4 p.m.! Connect to the webinar »

Workshop: Tools for Teaching and Learning – Oct. 2

VSUP LogoThe Virginia School-University Partnership/Virginia School Consortium for Learning (VSUP/VaSCL) presents Tools for Teaching and Learning: Teacher Clarity on Monday, October 2, at the Holiday Inn on Emmet Street. Presenter John Almarode will guide K-12 educators through an in-depth look at how to make learning visible to each and every student in the classroom, which research suggests doubles the rate of learning. Registration is now open!

Want to apply for Professional Development Reimbursement Program (PDRP) funding? Use this form »

Questions? Please contact Alison Dwier-Selden, Lead Coach.