Spanish Immersion Experience in Quetzaltenango, Guatemala – Info Sessions on Nov. 21 & 29

Guatemala TripInterested in improving your Spanish-speaking skills? ACPS teachers and administrators are invited to partake in an authentic language and cultural experience, June 18 – July 9, 2017.*

Groups of teachers and students from Albemarle County Public Schools have been attending this program for over 12 years! Check out this video »
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Making Connections 2016: What Did You Think?

Making Connections 2016The 2016 Making Connections Planning Team hopes your Monday was full of energized learning and that you walked away with new connections and ideas! Please help us make future events and professional learning opportunities even more engaging and useful to you by taking a few minutes to complete our “Making Reflections” exit slip.

The Planning Team will review your feedback in order to (1) maximize future division-level professional learning days, and (2) create better professional development opportunities for YOU. Continue reading

Women in Tech Offering Free Workshop for Teachers & Learners on Nov. 9

Women in Tech WorkshopWednesday, November 9, 2016 | 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. | Center for Open Science

In this era of digital natives, to say that technology is changing education would be a tremendous understatement.

Please join Charlottesville Women in Tech on November 9 for Open Source for Open Minds: Crowd-Sourced Platforms for Teachers and Learners, including a panel discussion on the relationships (both actual and possible) between open source technologies and education. Continue reading

Making Connections 2016: Registration Now Open!

Making Connections 2016Registration for Making Connections 2016 is now available through the ACPS Professional Development website! Get started here with registration details and course descriptions.

Making Connections 2016 will take place on Monday, November 7, at multiple school sites throughout the division. Please sign up as soon as possible to ensure that you receive your top choices and so we can guarantee an accurate lunch count for each location.

If you have already registered, please log in to the Making Connections site and double-check your enrollment by clicking on the “My Enrollments” link on the left.

Questions or comments? Email

New PD Opp: Illuminate Vetting Project

Illuminate EducationThursday, November 10 | 4:30 to 6 p.m. | ARC PD Rooms 1 & 2

This November 10, the county is offering a new, 90-minute professional development opportunity, Illuminate Vetting Project, to provide training in how to efficiently and effectively vet assessment items in Illuminate for quality, SOL alignment, and Blooms level. Completion of this workshop will allow teachers to get paid to vet questions. Learn more and get registered »

Making Connections 2016: Registration Coming Soon!

Making Connections 2016We’re excited to launch registration for Making Connections 2016 later this month! As a preview, we’re digging deeper this year into our longstanding work around Rigor, Relevance and Relationships. This November 7, Albemarle County Public Schools will host a variety of related, half-day workshops featuring national experts at multiple school sites throughout the division. Continue reading

VSUP PD Opportunities – Some Deadlines This Friday, September 30!

VSUP LogoThe Virginia-School University Partnership (VSUP) has multiple conferences with registration deadlines that are coming up this Friday, September 30:

1. We are excited to announce that we now have a cohort of 39 coaches, administrators, instructional specialists, and teacher leaders registered to participate in our two-part “Instructional Coaching” offering. We can still accommodate a few additional participants, so we will keep registration open through this Friday, September 30. Continue reading

VASCD’s Unit and Assessment Design Series for Teachers – Oct. 6, 13 & 25

VASCDVASCD’s Unit and Assessment Design Series for Teachers includes face-to-face and blended learning opportunities to help teachers modify and design instructional units, assessment tasks, and rubrics. Participants will use their Standards of Learning and existing units as starting points to develop plans and tools that tap into high-level transfer skills, including the 5 Cs. Register for one, two, or all three sessions: Continue reading

Dan Mulligan Will Conduct Professional Learning Sessions on September 28 & 29

Dan MulliganDan Mulligan from Flexible Creativity will be conducting professional learning sessions for Albemarle County teachers on Wednesday, September 28, and Thursday, September 29.

On Wednesday, Dan will present the same workshop he provided for new ACPS teachers in August. The focus will be High Yield Instructional Strategies for Teaching Lifelong-Learner Competencies. He will conduct this session twice, once in the morning and once in the afternoon.

On Thursday, Dan will conduct a full-day workshop on Building Student Academic Knowledge, with an emphasis on how teachers do this work with struggling learners. Continue reading

Culturally Responsive Teaching Certification: Open House on September 19

CRTTeachers: Interested in pursuing your Culturally Responsive Teaching Certification during the 2016-17 school year? Come to our Open House on September 19, from 5 to 7 p.m. at Woodbrook Elementary. Attend an orientation session; meet our certified practitioners and hear about their experiences; and learn about the journey to enhancing your current practice with culturally-infused instruction. View the event flyer »