We are Piloting a Change to the Vertical Team Stipend for 2015-16

Vertical Team StipendWe will be piloting a change to the traditional vertical team stipend we have grown used to over the past several years. This change will be a trial run for 2015-16, and the overall goal is to differentiate stipends to support the different kinds of work we have for vertical team members. Rather than stipending the vertical team member to be a “Jack of all trades,” we will stipend the “trades.” Continue reading

Registration Now Open for the Summer Fine Arts Academy

Albemarle County Public Schools’ Summer Fine Arts Academy provides students from our region an opportunity to spend an extended period of time studying a field of art of their choice under the direction of a highly qualified and engaging teacher. Culminating in a public performance or display at a local venue, students can choose from jazz studies, creative writing, visual art, drama/playwriting, choral performance, or rock/rap. Learn more »

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