Policy Updates: Mar. 26 & Apr. 23, 2015

Policy UpdatesAlbemarle County Public Schools maintains over 600 policies. Our policies are locally developed through our work with the Virginia School Boards Association and they are tied to Virginia Code. Several are locally developed. Our policies translate our core values of excellence, young people, community and respect into the backbone of our daily operations and aspirations for students. You can stay up-to-date on policy revisions, additions and deletions through the ACPS website! View the March & April 2015 policy updates (ACPS user name and password required).

Consolidation of Google Domains

GoogleAlbemarle County Public Schools currently maintains two Google domains, one for staff (@k12albemarle.org) and one for students (@student.k12albemarle.org). Over the course of this year, DART will consolidate these into a single domain. The current staff domain (@k12albemarle.org) will become the only one in use.

All ACPS staff using Google Apps for Education (GAFE) will be affected by this consolidation. Students and staff (.g accounts) currently using the student domain (@student.k12albemarle.org) will need to move content and function from their current Google location. Continue reading