Making Connections 2015 Call for Proposals – Deadline: October 9

Making Connections 2015Announcing the Making Connections 2015 Call for Proposals! Making Connections will be at Monticello High School on Monday, November 2, from 8:30 a.m. to 3:45 p.m.

We are looking for sessions that address (1) the Seven Pathways—especially Choice & Comfort, (2) our Lifelong-Learner Competencies, (3) higher levels of Blooms, and (4) the Qualities of Engagement.

Making Connections 2015 will have four primary strands:

  1. Our tradition of an “open call,” where the purpose is connecting, collaborating, and sharing sessions.
  2. Sessions that focus on Interdisciplinary/Integrated instruction
  3. A Maker Fair
  4. “Birds of a Feather” sessions; i.e., conversations in which teachers of the same grade level/content area come together—similar to our work on August 11 this year. These are already on the schedule, so there is no need to submit additional proposals for these sessions.

The deadline for submitting your ideas is October 9, and you will be notified in mid-October about the status of your proposal.

Questions? Contact the ACPS Professional Development Team at