Letter from School Board Chairman Ned Gallaway

Ned GallawayDear Colleagues:

From the perspectives of a former teacher, a parent of children in our school division, and as the School Board chair, I can talk about the value of our teachers from several vantage points. They all lead to the same conclusion—the contribution of our teachers to the quality of our public educational system in Albemarle County is something to celebrate every single week.

What especially is interesting about Teacher Appreciation Week is that more than 80 countries around the world formally set aside a day to honor teachers, not because of a proclamation from the United Nations or another international organization, but rather, because of their own recognition of the importance of teachers to their communities. While the dates of these celebrations vary and the manners in which teachers are recognized are different, each country and culture believes that teaching is a call of duty to be revered.

I have a confession to make. The favorite part of our School Board meetings occurs in our second meeting of the month—that’s when we conduct our work sessions. It’s also when we often bring in our educators to share what is happening in their classrooms and to offer their perspective on programs or priorities under consideration. It’s inspiring to hear the enthusiasm and passion in the voice of our teachers for student learning outcomes that are not just acceptable, but extraordinary.

Recently, I received my Doctorate in Education in the Curry School’s Social Foundations Program, and I concentrated my research on people who were successful in their professional careers and the link they had to performing arts programs in K-12. The correlation was impressive. The skills these men and women gained from drama teachers not only opened a wide variety of career paths for them, but it equipped them with the talents and capabilities that helped them achieve at high levels. The same holds true for teachers in all of our disciplines.

A memorable moment from our Student Council’s recent We Notice celebration was a song lyric that told us that “the trick to the traveling is all in the company.” Albemarle teachers are proof that we enjoy exceptional company in our school division. It is a pleasure to share the road with you as we work together to educate our young people and prepare them for the future.

Please join me and my colleagues on our School Board in expressing our deep appreciation for our teachers and for the difference they make in helping our children reach their highest potential.


Ned Gallaway