Helicopter 2050 Challenge

4thAnnualHeli2050ChallengeSikorsky Aircraft Corporation is hosting the 4th annual Helicopter 2050 Challenge, a design contest open to kids age 9 to 16. The contest started on June 1 and runs through September 30, 2014. Contestants will design a helicopter that addresses the potential challenges of 2050 and plan for how their helicopters of the future would overcome those challenges. Learn more about the contest »

Verizon Innovative App Challenge – Submission Deadline: November 24

Verizon App ChallengeThe Verizon Innovative App Challenge is an exciting, creative and collaborative competition that offers $20,000 grants for winning middle schools and high schools and Samsung Galaxy Tabs for students on the winning teams. Designed to ignite students’ interest in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM), the Challenge shows students exciting new possibilities for their futures, opening doors they may never have known were there. Learn more about the challenge »

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Kids In Need Teacher Grants – Apply by September 30

KINF LogoKids In Need Teacher Grants provide preK-12 educators with funding to provide innovative learning opportunities for their students. The Kids In Need Foundation helps to engage students in the learning process by supporting our most creative and important educational resource—our nation’s teachers.

Teacher Grant awards range from $100 to $500 each and are used to finance creative classroom projects. Continue reading

National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Grants – Apply by November 7

Math TeacherThe National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) is accepting applications for its Emerging Teacher-Leaders in Elementary School Mathematics Grants for Grades Pre-K–5 Teachers program as well as the Connecting Mathematics to Other Subject Areas Grants for Grades 9-12 Teachers program. Continue reading

Norman Mailer Writing Award for Middle and High School Teachers – Enter by July 23

WritingThe Norman Mailer Center and the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) are pleased to invite submissions for the 2014 Norman Mailer Writing Award for Middle and High School Teachers. Full- and part-time middle school and high school teachers are eligible to enter the competition, which is limited to works of creative nonfiction.

From five finalists, one winner will be selected to receive a $5,000 cash prize along with travel and lodging to attend the Norman Mailer Center’s Annual Gala in New York City during the Fall of 2014. Continue reading

Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF

Trick-or-Treat for UNICEFLast year, Fifth Grade Teacher Helen Miller at Paul H. Cale Elementary School participated in Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF, recruiting her students to raise funds so that children can have access to clean water, nutrition, medicine and education.

Can you help rally your school to help save lives this year? Our impact is much greater when the whole community works together! And, it’s the perfect service-learning resource. Sign up for your materials today »

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VAST Mini-Grant for Teaching – Apply by June 1

VAST LogoThe Virginia Association of Science Teachers (VAST) Mini-Grant Program seeks to provide seed money for innovative curriculum activities that expand learning opportunities for science students. Individual and team applications are now being accepted! The Project Director must be a member of VAST (dues paid for 2014), must have taught at the elementary or secondary level for a minimum of three years, and must be currently employed as a teacher. It is anticipated that most awards will be made in the range of $200-$500. Grant applications are due by June 1. Get more details >>>

2014 ACTION! High School Director Competition

VA Film FestivalThe Virginia Film Festival (VFF) encourages students to take their passion for filmmaking and create an entry for ACTION!, the VFF’s High School Director Competition. The 2014 ACTION! Competition is open to rising 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th grade students who are current residents of the Commonwealth of Virginia. One Grand Prize winner will receive a check for $1,000, and two runners-up will each receive a check for $500. Complete applications with accompanying films must be postmarked or delivered by Wednesday, August 20, 2014. Learn more >>>

Wild Ones Invites Applications for Native Plant Education Projects – Due October 15

Wildflower and ButterflyWild Ones, a nonprofit environmental education and advocacy organization, is accepting applications from projects designed to strengthen an appreciation for nature in young people. Through the Lorrie Otto Seeds for Education Fund, grants of up to $500 will be awarded for projects that emphasize the involvement of students and volunteers in all phases of development. Continue reading

Need Money to Implement Your Good Idea?

VEAThe Virginia Education Association is proud to provide mini-grants to support members’ ideas designed to improve student learning. Submit your proposal for a mini-grant for any amount up to $500 by 4:30 p.m. on June 2, 2014. Mini-grants will be awarded on September 2, 2014. View the proposal guidelines.

You must be a member of the Virginia Education Association to apply for the mini-grant, to receive the funds, and during implementation of the project. Not a member? Find out more about membership.