Dan Meyer Presents “Math Curriculum Makeover”

Math Teachers: You likely know the professional learning work of high school math teacher, Dan Meyer. In this Ted Talk, he describes his three-act math problem-solving strategy with humor and concrete math examples of why he thinks the U.S. needs different math learning resources and curricula. “I sell a product to a market that doesn’t want it, but is forced by law to buy it.” His goal? Engage teens in mathematical thinking that grabs their interest and builds deep understanding, not simply memorization of procedures. You can follow Dan Meyer on Twitter @ddmeyer.

Get Kids Learning with Mystery Skype

Mystery SkypeTeachers in our schools use Skype for a variety of purposes, from professional connections with other educators to learning connections with students in other classes around the world or professionals with content or skill expertise. Skype in the Classroom offers a variety of specialized educational opportunities, including Mystery Skype, the global guessing game that gets kids learning. Continue reading

Tips for Grant Writing Success, by Jennifer Whitenack

Grant MoneyEvery teacher, at some point in his or her career, is inspired by an idea that will create a unique experience and take learning to a new level in the classroom or expand students’ horizons beyond the classroom walls. Soon after inspiration comes frustration—great ideas usually require money we don’t have in order to become reality. Years ago, rather than give up on my ideas, I decided to try my hand at grant writing and have been pleasantly surprised by my success. I’m convinced that any teacher with a good idea can write a good grant application with some careful preparation. Continue reading

What Do You Need for Your Classroom?

School SuppliesTeachers: One of your colleagues has had great success getting the materials she needs for her classroom with help from an online charity, and she wanted you to know about DonorsChoose.org!

DonorsChoose.org lets you share your classroom needs with a thriving community eager to help. Supporters have brought teachers’ ideas to life in more than half of all U.S. public schools. To date, DonorsChoose.org has helped raise nearly $190 million ($25 million in 2013) to fund projects in classrooms across the country. Continue reading