Performance Appraisal Q&A

Q&AAs we move into the summative phase of our performance appraisal processes, we hope to provide clarity around questions that staff have. During the week of March 24, we surveyed all employees to find out questions they have about our performance appraisal systems. View the Appraisal Questions and Answers. We grouped similar questions together by theme, so you may see two or three questions together with only one answer. For more information, please visit our Performance Appraisal website.

Public Comment Period Extended for Proposed 2014-15 Make-up Days

2014-15 Make-up DaysAt its meeting on April 10, 2014, the Albemarle County School Board decided to extend the period of time for public comment on the proposed make-up days for the 2014-15 school calendar. This follows an earlier decision by the Board to consider building in several scheduled inclement weather make-up days in next year’s calendar. Continue reading

Performance Appraisal Survey – Participate by March 28

Performance ReviewAs we move into the final evaluation phase of our performance appraisal systems, we would like to be proactive in answering related questions. We are in the process of creating a Question and Answer document in response to questions regarding the final appraisal process for the Teacher Performance Appraisal (TPA), Administrator Performance Appraisal (APA), Classified Staff Performance Appraisal, and Teaching Assistant Performance Appraisal (TAPA). Continue reading

Are You Subscribed to Our Electronic Notification System?

Phone CallAre you missing school schedule notifications? If so, you may not be subscribed to the ACPS Electronic Notification System, or perhaps your contact information needs to be updated.

Our Emergency Notification System enables us to notify you immediately in the event of an emergency and to contact you regarding school schedule changes due to inclement weather. To do so, we need to remain up-to-date with your contact information. Continue reading

1st Draft of 2014-15 School Year Calendar Posted for Feedback

Tell Us What You ThinkThe 2014-15 Calendar Development web page has been updated with links to the first draft of the 2014-15 school year calendar and a new survey. We used feedback from your responses to our previous “Calendar Priorities” survey to make changes to the draft in collaboration with staff from Charlottesville City Schools. We had over 1,300 survey responses. Thank you!

Community members, staff and students are invited to provide feedback that will inform the second draft of the 2014-15 school year calendar. View the draft calendar and participate in the survey. This survey will close on Friday, December 6.

“Calendar Priorities” Survey Open Through October 30!

Calendar IconThe 2014-15 calendar development process is underway! We are inviting community members, parents, staff and students to provide feedback that will inform next year’s school calendar.

Please visit the 2014-15 Calendar Development web page to participate in a brief electronic survey. This survey will close on Wednesday, October 30. Thank you for your time and consideration.