Budget Priorities Survey – Respond by Dec. 4

Building Our 2015-16 BudgetBudget planning for the 2015-16 school year is underway, and your feedback is an essential part of the process! You are invited to participate in a brief survey concerning Budget Priorities as we prepare the Superintendent’s 2015-16 Funding Request, which will be presented to the School Board in January 2015.  The survey will close at 11:59 p.m. on Thursday, December 4. Participate in the survey »

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Feedback Requested on the 2015-16 Calendar – Respond by Dec. 3

Aug2015-CalendarDraftEach year, the Calendar Committee works to produce a school calendar that supports our goals to engage students, improve opportunities and achievement, and get the most productivity out of our resources. Your feedback is an essential part of this process!

At this time, we ask that you please review the initial draft of the 2015-16 school year calendar, and then, let us know what you think by participating in a short survey:

The survey will close on Wednesday, December 3, at 11:59 p.m.

Making Connections: Feedback Requested by Nov. 14

MC2014The 2014 Making Connections Planning Team hopes your day this past Monday was full of energized learning and that you walked away with new connections and ideas! Please help us make future events and professional learning opportunities even more engaging and useful to you by taking a few minutes to complete our short “Making Reflections” exit slip. Please provide feedback by Friday, November 14! Thanks in advance.

Employee Needs & Engagement Survey from ACPS & AEA – Participate by June 13

Satisfaction SurveyDear Albemarle County Schools Educators,

As the year draws to a close, I hope that you know how much we all—students, colleagues, parents, and community members—appreciate what you do daily to provide learning and support for young people. You have a life-long impact, and you make a positive difference for all our children every day.

When you have a few minutes, please complete the Employee Needs and Engagement Survey. Continue reading

Performance Appraisal Survey – Participate by March 28

Performance ReviewAs we move into the final evaluation phase of our performance appraisal systems, we would like to be proactive in answering related questions. We are in the process of creating a Question and Answer document in response to questions regarding the final appraisal process for the Teacher Performance Appraisal (TPA), Administrator Performance Appraisal (APA), Classified Staff Performance Appraisal, and Teaching Assistant Performance Appraisal (TAPA). Continue reading

1st Draft of 2014-15 School Year Calendar Posted for Feedback

Tell Us What You ThinkThe 2014-15 Calendar Development web page has been updated with links to the first draft of the 2014-15 school year calendar and a new survey. We used feedback from your responses to our previous “Calendar Priorities” survey to make changes to the draft in collaboration with staff from Charlottesville City Schools. We had over 1,300 survey responses. Thank you!

Community members, staff and students are invited to provide feedback that will inform the second draft of the 2014-15 school year calendar. View the draft calendar and participate in the survey. This survey will close on Friday, December 6.