Election 2020: Teaching in Unpredictable Times – Workshop on Nov. 19


Wednesday, November 19, 2020 | 4:30 to 6 p.m. | Register

ACPS will offer its November session of Teaching in Unpredictable Times this Wednesday, November 19, at 4:30 p.m. Please register to receive a Zoom link to join the session.

In this workshop facilitated by Jeremy Nesoff of Facing History and Ourselves, participants will explore approaches to teaching the election that focus on the history of voting, the health of democracy, factors that shape our civic decision-making, and the power of youth agency and voice. Continue reading

Math Investigations Savvas Website Training – Oct. 23

Savvas Math Investigations

With the purchase of the student platform in Savvas (Math Investigations), we will continue to offer opportunities for professional learning. Implementation and usage within the platform will be vital in order to review the usefulness of the purchase. 

Based on teacher feedback, the upcoming training this Friday, October 23, is a follow-up to the training on September 3. This one-hour session will focus on student resources, assignments, and feedback. All elementary teachers are encouraged to attend. Please register in order to receive the link to the session. Continue reading

CRT Intent to Pursue Form Due Oct. 23

Culturally Responsive Teaching

Attention all ACPS educators who are seeking Certification or a Micro-Credential in Culturally Responsive Teaching (CRT) this school year: An important step in pursuing CRT credentialing is the submission of an “Intent to Pursue” form. We use this form to keep track of and support all of our participants. The deadline to complete the appropriate form is this Friday, October 23: Continue reading

Teaching in Unpredictable Times Workshop Series


In a time of multiple and overlapping crises—the COVID-19 pandemic, a national reckoning on race and injustice, political polarization, and threats to voting rights and access—how will you teach about current events, including the election? ACPS is offering three connected workshops, each facilitated by Facing History and Ourselves, that can be taken collectively or à la carte. Each opportunity will offer resources, support and strategies to teach in this environment.

The first workshop in the series is Election 2020: Teaching in Unpredictable Times. Register to participate in this on-demand webinar independently and then come together to debrief and discuss with your colleagues. Continue reading

Office of Community Engagement Releases More Fall 2020 PD Opportunities in Culturally Responsive Teaching

Culturally Responsive Teaching

From our foundational CRT module sessions to a division-wide virtual CRT & The Brain book study, start or continue your learning in Culturally Responsive Teaching this fall through the Office of Community Development’s CRT professional development series.

To find out more about and register for these and other PD offerings from the Office of Community Engagement, click on the “CRT 2020-2021 PD” featured link on the Professional Development web page, or visit the internal ACPS PD Offerings page. Please contact Leilani Keys, ACPS Equity Specialist, with questions.

Next Round of Division PLC Meetings: Oct. 16 or 23


The next round of Division PLC (DPLC) meetings is coming up on October 16 or 23, depending on your group. Please refer to the Division PLC 2020-21 document for key information about the purpose and structure of DPLCs as well as the meeting schedule and Zoom links.

Please email leadcoaches@k12albemarle.org with any questions.

Content Opportunities Course for K-5 Teachers: 2nd Meeting on Oct. 12


Monday, October 12, 2020  | 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. | Registration

Attention all K-5 teachers: You’re invited to the second meeting of our Content Opportunities Course on October 12 from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. The course, which we will offer monthly, aims to support implementation of inquiry-based curricula in science and social studies as outlined in the pacing guide. A great group of teachers, coaches and LTIs are collaborating to support this work, and participants are eligible for recertification points. Continue reading

It’s Not Too Late to Participate in the First Round of CRT Module Training!

Culturally Responsive Teaching

Are you interested in starting your Culturally Responsive Teaching (CRT) journey, but you’re not ready to commit to a cohort? Or, do you know of someone in your building or department who might be interested? Module training is a great way to begin—it’s not just for CRT Certification or Micro-credential candidates, it’s for everyone!

CRT module training introduces participants to the ACPS CRT Framework. Continue reading

Division PLC Meeting Schedule & Zoom Links


The next round of Division PLC (DPLC) meetings is coming up on September 18 or 25, depending on your group. Please refer to the Division PLC 2020-21 document for key information about the purpose and structure of DPLCs as well as the meeting schedule and Zoom links.

Please email leadcoaches@k12albemarle.org with any questions.

Content Opportunities Course for K-5 Teachers Starts Sept. 14


Monday, September 14, 2020 | 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. | Registration

Attention all K-5 teachers: You’re invited to the first meeting of our Content Opportunities Course on September 14 from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. The course, which we will offer monthly, aims to support implementation of inquiry-based curricula in science and social studies as outlined in the pacing guide. A great group of teachers, coaches and LTIs are collaborating to support his work, and participants are eligible for recertification points. Continue reading