Stay Interviews: Share Your Experiences & Ideas

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ACPS wants employees to remain in their jobs and feel happy, satisfied, and appropriately challenged! “Stay interviews” provide an opportunity for employees to communicate the best parts of their job and share ideas about how the division can do better.

The Department of Human Resources invites all ACPS employees to share your voice and experiences by participating in a stay interview this December 7-15. Throughout this process, we will be looking for trends that can guide the division’s future decision-making.


We are seeking genuine feedback. In order to encourage employees to share their honest opinions, Human Resources will prioritize the confidentiality of participants; we will not share any identifiable information or individual responses with supervisors.

We also want to hear from as many employees as possible! In order to increase participation, we will offer stay interviews in a variety of formats, including individual meetings and small group focus sessions, both of which will be offered in person and virtually. We encourage you to review the available employee group sessions (below) and consider participating in a focus group. You likely fit into more than one employee group. Please select the employee group that most impacts your work and to which you want to lend a voice.

When you’re ready, click here to sign up for a stay interview! We will update the Stay Interview Schedule daily to indicate the number of seats available for each interview slot. Continue reading