Making Connections Reminders: See You on Nov. 6!

Making Connections 2023 logo

Attention all ACPS employees: We are looking forward to our day of learning together on Monday, November 6! In preparation, please see below for logistical details and session highlights. As a reminder, we are offering Making Connections sessions at two locations and all sessions will be in person. All session details, including room assignments, are available on our Making Connections website! Continue reading

Update for All ACPS iPads on Nov. 3

closeup of ipad screen showing system update in progress

iPad Educators: The Department of Technology will push the latest operating system (iOS) update to all ACPS iPads on Friday, November 3. Please leave these devices on and plugged in at the end of the day. Updating our iPads helps us ensure the devices work properly for students and are safe and secure. If you experience any issues after the update has occurred, please contact the Service Desk at 434-975-9444.