Phi Delta Kappa Wants to Recognize Outstanding Educators – Nominate a Colleague by April 18

PDK Int'lThe University of Virginia Chapter of Phi Delta Kappa (PDK) invites you to nominate your colleagues for recognition at their annual awards banquet this May. This is a wonderful opportunity to honor the educational excellence exhibited each day in our public schools! PDK would like to recognize outstanding educators with the following awards:

  • Outstanding Elementary Teacher
  • Outstanding Secondary Teacher
  • Outstanding First Year Teacher
  • Alton Taylor Administrative Leadership Award
  • Sylvia Henderson Early Education Award

To nominate a candidate, please mail two letters of support to the following address:

Doug Granger
3201 Berkmar Drive
Charlottesville, VA 22901

Letters can be from fellow teachers, parents, administrators, or any person who feels that a candidate’s strengths as an educator have made a dynamic impact on children in our local schools. Letters must be postmarked by April 18. Affiliation with the University of Virginia is not required.

Phi Delta Kappa is an international association of professional educators. Their mission is to promote quality education, with particular emphasis on publicly supported education, as essential to the development and maintenance of a democratic way of life.