Stay Interviews: Share Your Experiences & Ideas

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ACPS wants to thank everyone who participated in a stay interview last year. We truly want our employees to remain in their jobs, feeling happy, satisfied, appropriately challenged, and heard!

“Stay interviews” provide an opportunity for employees to communicate the best parts of their jobs and share ideas about how the division can do better. We’re excited to enter the second year of this initiative, and we’re eager to offer more opportunities for our employees to share their voice and experiences. Your valuable feedback helps us identify trends that can inform division leadership and guide the division’s future decision-making. If you would like to participate in a confidential stay interview, please continue reading to learn more about the process and to sign up for a time to meet!


Shay Carter-Shifflett

Shay Carter-Shifflett
Program Manager for Talent Retention & DEI

Stay Interview Process

Through stay interviews, we are seeking genuine feedback. We encourage employees to share their honest opinions. Human Resources will prioritize the confidentiality of participants; we will not share any identifiable information or individual responses with supervisors.

Individual stay interviews will be offered virtually or in person during a variety of times from November 13-17 and November 27 – December 14. We welcome and encourage any employee who would like to share their experiences and ideas! We are hoping to hear from employees across a wide range of positions and demographic groups. Whether you are a teacher, a teaching assistant, an office associate or support staff member, a bus driver, a custodian, an instructional coach, a nurse, an administrator, someone who is new to ACPS or a veteran of the school division, someone who identifies as a person of color or a member of the LGBTQIA+ community, or a representative of any other employee group, we look forward to hearing from you!

When you’re ready, click the button below to schedule an interview:

Once you sign up for a time and location, you will receive a confirmation email, an Outlook calendar invite, a Zoom link (for virtual interviews), and discussion questions to help you prepare your thoughts. Think through the discussion questions in advance of your interview to help you get ready to express the full range of your experiences. This will help our short time together to be as efficient as possible as we try to cover a lot of conversation. A reminder email will also be sent prior to your interview.


For more information, please visit our Stay Interviews web page or contact Shay Carter-Shifflett, your new Program Manager for Talent Retention & DEI!