Extreme Journey Summer Camp: Registration Now Open!

JTHG LogoRegistration is now underway for the annual Extreme Journey Summer Camp. Offered in partnership between Albemarle County Public Schools and The Journey Through Hallowed Ground, this program provides rising 6th, 7th and 8th grade students the opportunity to hike, bike, tube and canoe their way through several sites along our National Heritage Area, running from Gettysburg to Monticello. This year’s camp instructors will be the dynamic duo of Julie Stavitski, Social Studies teacher at Jack Jouett, and Laura Lewis, ESOL teacher at Cale. Open the Extreme Journey flyer to learn more.

Shannon Foundation 2014-15 Teacher Grants

Grant MoneyThe Edgar and Eleanor Shannon Foundation for Excellence in Public Education wants to help teachers and schools implement their best ideas. The Foundation funds projects that directly involve and benefit students. Further, the Foundation encourages proposals for projects that would not ordinarily be funded as part of regular school budgets. Completed applications must be signed by the school principal and submitted on or before April 25, 2014. Learn more about funding criteria and submission. Continue reading

Join the Genius Hour at Tom Tom!

TTFFACPS is working with the Tom Tom Festival on an education track this year. The focus of the education track is the maker revolution, with an opportunity to showcase the collaborative, project-based learning going on in each and every one of our schools. We are hoping you can bring a small group of students to demonstrate some of the innovating work going on in your school. The “Genius Hour” will take place Saturday, April 12, at Lee Park (just north of the downtown mall, along 2nd street by the market) from 12 noon to 2 p.m. For more information and to sign up, please refer to the Genius Hour Application. Have questions? Email Nicole Storm at nstorm@k12albemarle.org.


Planning to Retire at the End of the School Year?

RetirementReminder: Division employees wishing to retire under the Virginia Retirement System at the end of this school year should submit their VRS retirement materials to Human Resources by March 15 in order to avoid delays to your first VRS benefit payment. If you are thinking about retiring this year and have not yet contacted Human Resources for guidance, please email Claudine Cloutier at ccloutier@albemarle.org to learn more about the process, timelines, projected benefits, etc., or to set up an appointment.

Dental Plan Rate Holiday

Dental CareAs you may recall, in the spring and summer of 2013, we were able to offer a premium holiday to all covered participants in our dental plan. We continue to have exceptional plan claims experience, resulting in a continued surplus of our dental plan reserves. As such, we are very happy to announce another dental plan rate holiday beginning March 2014 and continuing through the end of the current plan year. This means that you will not see a premium deduction beginning this month (February) through August. Continue reading