Community Outreach Survey: Summary Report

Budget ConstructionFrom November 16-27, 2016, we received 1,119 responses to our Community Outreach Survey from ACPS students, parents, employees, and community members. Our goal in administering this survey was to provide, define, and give examples of research-based elements of effective schools and ask our stakeholders to rank them in order of our effectiveness, and in so doing, provide an opportunity for community input to assist the Superintendent and School Board in developing a funding request for 2017-18. View the survey summary report »

Connect to the 2017-18 budget development process »

Speak Up Survey – Participate by Jan. 13

Speak UpDear Educators:

We are excited to announce that ACPS is participating in Speak Up 2016, now through January 13, 2017! Speak Up is an online national research survey that provides an easy way for students, parents and educators to (1) participate in local decisions about technology, and (2) contribute to the national dialogue about educational technology. Take the survey »

Your participation will help us answer questions, such as: Continue reading

Making Connections 2016: What Did You Think?

Making Connections 2016The 2016 Making Connections Planning Team hopes your Monday was full of energized learning and that you walked away with new connections and ideas! Please help us make future events and professional learning opportunities even more engaging and useful to you by taking a few minutes to complete our “Making Reflections” exit slip.

The Planning Team will review your feedback in order to (1) maximize future division-level professional learning days, and (2) create better professional development opportunities for YOU. Continue reading

2017-18 Calendar – Provide Your Feedback by Nov. 1

We Want Your Feedback2017-18 calendar development is underway! Each year, the Calendar Committee works to produce a school calendar that supports our goals to engage students, improve opportunities and achievement, and get the most productivity out of our resources. Community feedback is an essential part of this process.

Tell us what you think! Please review the Calendar Committee’s first draft of the 2017-18 calendar, and then participate in a brief survey to provide your feedback. The survey will remain open until 11:59 p.m. on November 1.

Calling All Veterans: Albemarle County Wants to Recognize YOU – Complete the Survey by Oct. 21

Veterans DayAlbemarle County Public Schools and Local Government are fortunate to have many veterans who continue to serve their country through their work in our government offices and public schools. Last year, we began a new tradition of recognizing and honoring our veterans through a joint resolution from the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors and School Board.

November 11 is rapidly approaching, and as we prepare to honor our veterans again this year, we want to make sure that we are recognizing all those who wish to participate. Continue reading

Feedback Wanted on the TPA Process – Participate by Feb. 26

Tell Us What You ThinkAs part of our continuous improvement plan, the school division is asking teachers and administrators to provide feedback on the teacher performance appraisal (TPA) process through a brief survey. The survey is open now and will stay open until the end of the day on Friday, February 26. We anticipate the survey will take about 10 minutes to complete. Participate in the survey »

If you have questions about the survey or the process, please contact Patrick McLaughlin, Strategic Planning Officer (, or Clare Keiser, Assistant Director of Educator Quality (

You’re Invited to Participate in a Research Study: History, Qualities & Beliefs of a Maker Educator

Research StudyIn collaboration with Albemarle County Public Schools, you are invited by Dr. Amber Simpson and Dr. Adam Maltese with the School of Education at Indiana University of Bloomington to participate in a research study: History, Qualities, and Beliefs of a Maker Educator. The purpose of the research study is to gain an understanding of the attributes and beliefs that are common across K-12 educators (e.g., teachers, instructional coaches, and support staff) who self-identity as Maker Educators, and how these commonalities distinguish them from K-12 educators who do not self-identify as Maker Educators. Continue reading

2016-17 Calendar: Two Drafts Posted for Feedback – Survey Closes Jan. 27 at Noon

Tell Us What You ThinkSchool division staff presented an initial draft (Draft A) of the 2016-17 School Year Calendar to the School Board on January 14, 2016. This initial draft was the product of two joint City/County Calendar Committee meetings, during which internal and external stakeholder input was considered. Based on feedback from the Board, a second version (Draft B) was created for consideration. Employees, parents and students have been invited to provide feedback on the two drafts, which will be reviewed by the Board at their regularly scheduled meeting on January 28.

You may review the two calendar drafts as well as the process for how we arrived at these choices on the
2016-17 Calendar Development web page. Then, you are invited to participate in a brief survey, which will close on Wednesday, January 27, at NoonTake the survey »

Fall 2015 Community Outreach Survey Results

Survey ResultsThank you for your feedback! Nearly 2,000 parents, students, employees, and community members shared their thoughts about school climate, the school calendar, and budget priorities in our recent Community Outreach Survey.

Highlights: Greater than 90% of respondents agree or strongly agree that they feel welcome in our schools. Nearly 70% are pleased or very pleased with our current school year calendar. Respondents identified the following as the top three budget priorities for 2016-17: Provide exceptional class sizes; stay competitive with employee compensation; and fully fund student population growth. See the full survey results »