New Process: Bereavement Notification

Bereavement Flower ArrangementThe new Bereavement Notification page has launched! The Human Resources Department will send flowers in memory of a regular County employee’s immediate family member, defined by policy as the employee’s spouse or the employee’s or spouse’s child, parent, sibling, or grandparent.

Notification/requests can be submitted 24 hours/day from any location (login required) by any employee who learns of a death in a County employee’s family. Continue reading

Last Minute Reminder: Friday, October 10 Is the Deadline for Two VSTE Opportunities!

VSTE LogoShowcase Your Students
Showcase the creative and innovative work your students are doing with technology in the classroom! Entries for the Student Technology Integration Challenge are still being accepted, and you may submit work that was created during the 2013-14 school year.

Recognize Excellence
Let VSTE help you recognize a colleague who always seems to go above and beyond with educational technology. Continue reading