Ebola Virus Information

VDOE LogoThe Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) has been made aware that many school personnel have questions about what education professionals can do to keep students and adults safe from the Ebola virus. At the current time, there are no cases of Ebola in Virginia. Our national health system has the capacity and expertise to quickly detect and contain this disease and is working with states and school districts to ensure the safety of our students and school employees. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is our primary source of information on Ebola. Continue reading

Wear Orange for Unity Day on Wednesday, October 22!

Unity Day 2014Make it ORANGE and make it end! Unite against bullying! This week is Safe Schools Week, and this Wednesday, October 22, is Unity Day. Show that you care about safe and supportive schools and communities by wearing ORANGE on Unity Day. That’s the day everyone can come together—in schools, communities and online—and send one large ORANGE message of support, hope and unity. Get involved »